I think I recognize the guy, didn't he stay there before when Nelly and Bogdan were on vacation for a week? He was with a different girl though so maybe it's not him and just looks a bit like him, I'm not 100% sure.
She doesn't have a specific time for going to bed, it all depends on if she's going out the following day. I don't really keep tabs on her on a daily basis because not a lot really happens in this apartment but she has been known to stay up all night watching TV.
I'm thinking she teases him like that because she gets more enjoyment out of it than if they had sex, the tease goes on for a lot longer than the average 30 seconds he usually lasts.
Regina is in no way ugly, she might be a little bigger than most of the girls on RLC but that doesn't make her fat either. Her body type is actually pretty average among women today. Just because someone doesn't meet your over the top standard doesn't make them ugly or fat.
That cat of theirs will literally sit anywhere. Sits its ass down in the middle of their game, now its asleep on Masha's ass(that's a good choice though)