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Everything posted by badboylovesgirls

  1. I can see that Olivia & Ulyana are moving to Daniela & Buffy's room. So, Holly & her friend will move to the master bedroom. I guess RLC is making it up to Holly after her last stay in May because my understanding is that she wanted to stay few more weeks and RLC refused so they can accomodate Elian & Tesla.
  2. It is not clear to me. It could be Loraine & Anthony will replace Timur & Tereza ? Time will tell.
  3. I guess the B2 girls went to B5 to say Goodbye because they are good friends of Tereza.
  4. I guess this is a farewell party for Timur & Tereza. They have been in B5 for more than 6 months.
  5. Thx for the info. So Holly by herself or with her friend might move to Nana's room in B4 which was Holly's room in her previous stay. There are one flight tomorrow to Moscow and Kiev each. I know that Holly's friend from Ukraine so I think we will know by tomorrow if both Nana and Holly's friend will leave or just Nana only.
  6. From what I saw that Holly & her friend will leave B1 in the next day or so because they made their bed smaller. If they are moving to B4 to replace Nana after a week or so, where will they stay in the meantime ? For Gina & Bruno's apartment, I honestly didn't like the apartment. it is not at the same level as B1, B2 or B5.
  7. If RLC has extra cash now, is it possible that they will open a new apartment and Holly & her friend will share this new apartment with Harley and/or Fiora (the Former B1 girls) ? I thought at first that Holly & her friend will move to B4 but it doesn't look that any one in B4 is leaving soon or at least this coming week.
  8. I guess the RLC's guy who is usually missing with the cameras by locking and unlocking the free cams, forgot two cams in the living room unlocked and he went to bed 😜
  9. Yes, I saw her few times talking to a guy on the phone in English. I think the guy is in Italy and some people on here say that he will visit her in Barcelona but I am not sure.
  10. The guy in the living room is the same guy who spent a night with Buffy last weekend and she refused to do anything with him. Here is my prediction: this guy might hookup with Olivia in a week or two and by that time, I expect that Buffy will be upset. I guess the time will prove if my speculation is correct or wrong.
  11. I think the guy who Buffy talks to on the phone in English is in Italy because they used some greeting words in Italian in some of their first phone calls.
  12. I agree that the events were entertaining and different than their routine for the last 5 months or so but I feel that some of the events with the two bearded guys were staged to some degree. I think that the B2 girls will receive some kind of bonuses especially they contributed to the increase of RLC's revenue for the last two weeks or so. For the 290-295 days' theory, I guess we will know more about this theory if the B2 girls will still be around by end of December.
  13. There were too many comments about the events that took place in B2 in the last 10 days or so after months of no activities. I reached a conclusion for why these events took place. 1) B2 girls need bonus money so they can go holiday shopping and buy new laptops, iPhones, clothing and other stuff. 2) I think the B2 girls will be leaving sometime in December and they want to make as much money as they can before they leave.
  14. Yes, I saw him too in the kitchen 2 weeks ago but I think he is the same guy and he seems a decent guy but I guess Buffy didn't like him and she is with someone else tonight.
  15. I think it is the same guy unless someone tells me I am wrong. He respected Buffy and didn't try hard with Buffy but I guess Buffy didn't like that and she is with someone else tonight.
  16. I am confused and I want to ask a question. Is the guy with Loraine in the living room the same guy who spent the night in Buffy's bed couple of weekends ago ?
  17. It seems that the B2 girls went out in the morning to get the vaccine shot. I saw Mila & Anna has bandage on their left shoulder.
  18. It is not clear to me who called the police, Gina or the neighbors ? Based on RLC's action towards the former B1 girls after the noise complaint and being more serious, is it safe to say now that RLC closed 2 apartments in the last two weeks ? One in Prague and the other in Barcelona 🤔
  19. I don't think that what happened between Holly and her friend tonight will happen again because that might ruin their good friendship. It was different between Megan and Holly because they were not best friends.
  20. Some people on CC posted some comments in the previous thread about Mila's attitude or behavior. My opinion is that Mila is a nice girl and I think there is something happened in her life in the last year or two changed her and I respect that. No one has perfect life and all people go through ups and downs in their lives. I know I might get some criticism from some people for that. But, I only wish Mila very good things happen in her life.
  21. I read some posts in the previous thread that some people on here refer to the guy in B2 is a Taliban photographer/guy. I agree that his beard doesn't look good on him but if this guy is one of the Talibans he will definitely lose his membership with the group because it is BiG NO NO for him to join the group 🥵 😡 because the type of work he does (porn photographer) and he might also get in deep trouble with them 😑
  22. I hope she doesn't have COVID because someone on here said she has sore throat.
  23. It is an interesting and a big development tonight in B2. The B2 girls are totally naked in bed with a naked guy.
  24. at the very right side of the bed in Lola's room
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