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Everything posted by Mira&Henry

  1. of course 😃 it is very seldom gift for Henry and i do not remember when it happened last time
  2. I remember how we listened to music and shared our favorite tracks. Thanks to everyone who is still with us. you give me strength. thank you for being!!! #makelovenotwar Love, Mira.
  3. Hello dear friends. I am very sad, painful to read your messages. Before our temporary departure from the project, I have never seen so much negativity and anger from you. What happened to you? why are you so angry to us? what have we done such that you have so hated us? It makes me cry. Really!!! Why U do this?!? the reason for your aggression is that we are back? is that we have a big house? Could it be that we cannot talk with you about the reasons for the sudden disappearance of the project? I ask you to!!! I am a very vulnerable person !!! don't hurt me !!! if you want us to leave the project - contact the manual. Thanks to those who support us !!! I am very grateful to you!!! my heart still keeps thanks to you and my husband !!!
  4. we have started new twitter https://twitter.com/mirawithhenry also we have changed position and views of cams ## 4, 7, 8, 10, 13,
  5. new apts - it is a big work for them. they was busy only with 118 for 2 days. 14h in first and 14h in second day to install all soft and settings of cams and equipment
  6. because isla and oliver apts was opened yesterday and all support was busy and have no possibilities to make disision about our cams
  7. it has flow from pool to floor( and need to change all water-isolation
  8. yes it is waterfall and it needed much more work with it to launch
  9. unfortunately it will be our little secret and we can say only "no comments"
  10. sorry Amy but it is does not matter what do you feel about us and you may believe in any of stories. moreover we did not tell any story about it
  11. in sauna is impossible to do anything. only seating and chealing
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