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Everything posted by dh2995

  1. 4. Lights off again, fondling, cuddling and kissing. Tom caressing Clara’ body long after she’s fallen asleep. Tom wasn’t the one who stopped things this time, quite the contrary...
  2. 3. More talking, childplay, clowning by Tom, who is the one who takes off Clara’s blanket, etc.
  3. 2. Time to go to bed, Clara wants to sleep but the 2 men don’t feel like sleeping at all, lots of laughter....
  4. Not much visibility, but enough kissing and fondling by the 2 men to make Clara moan, but no more. 1. The usual evening when Tom comes : cooking (this time with Clara’s 2 guests), watching TV, childplay, tickling by Tom, etc, but something was in the air
  5. I quite agree with this. Besides, she works on these by putting pads and creams before and after her showers. The harsh light coming down straight from the ceiling is quite unfair as it makes any imperfection much more important than it is. We can compare to other pictures with a more "normal" light : We can also compare with the collages you posted a few weeks ago. And Clara, you shouldn't worry about this, you're a naturally very beautiful girl in every aspect, imho
  6. This morning, again, to start the day in a good mood
  7. Prior to these moments of peaceful rest, they went shopping and brought new lingerie for Clara And something that stimulated Stas’s playful mind
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