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Everything posted by dh2995

  1. Stas tries to give a phone call Getting ready for the evening
  2. Why should Clara be the only one to wear a special outfit? In front of the mirror
  3. While Clara is having fun with Cleo When Clara is back
  4. A few more pics Clara squirts after a few minutes
  5. Enthusiastically telling Stas about this experience
  6. Squirt (better visible on the video) Must have felt quite good! Congratulations from Stas
  7. 2. 25 March. "when the light is a delight and caresses the shin..."
  8. Some of you were kind enough to like 2 sets of pics which had been lost. So, quite immodestly, here are some of those pics... 1. 9 March, after romantic dinner
  9. Thanks. Fooling after midday quickie Stas pretends to be sulking or sleeping, and Clara...
  10. The free hosting service (picpie.org) I was using crashed yesterday. Back on line but it looks like my account and all my pics have been lost in the crash. I'm still waiting for an answer to my message to them... I'm now using another service, pichoster.net, suggested in the CC FAQ.. Very, very sorry...
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