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Everything posted by dh2995

  1. It may be a matter of sensitivity: the cam kept switching from night vision to day vision depending on the light by the TV or the computer, or simply the quantity if light reflected by the moving bodies. But in NV, the sharpness is very good, much better that the other 2 cams
  2. Please don't. I totally disagree with what you wrote today. I won't debate about all this but I don't wish any more collages which would use my pics to express things I don't agree about.
  3. The tenants did. The same day. Instructions from the managers probably, who finally took into account the complaints of viewers when the curtains were set up.
  4. It seems it took C & S a lot of persuasion to talk initially reluctant Tom into this. Stas turned off the light to give Tom some intimacy but placed the floor light so that the cam could have a better view. Tom kept his pants on and Clara never took them off : full sex with Tom was probably not in the deal. The rest of the night was spent in conversations
  5. They took them down in both realms 3 of 4 days ago. Stas fixed the curtain behind the closet door.
  6. 2nd round of the day First test of the new machine Seems pleasant, but not so efficient as Mr Black for the moment... They need some training...
  7. Not the first time she watches ballets or operas. She seems to like that a lot and be taken by emotions. Operas often have sad moments
  8. Emotions when there is an Opera on television
  9. I should first worry about Stas's back. One shouldn't bend as he did when lifting a weight, however light as Clara's must be. As to processing some of these for the purpose you mention, thanks for asking. If it is for the benefit of Clara and Stas and of all of us here, feel free.
  10. When 2 young playful teenagers in love start fooling around... so, when 2 young playful teenagers in love start fooling around how do you think it will end up ?
  11. (Hoping this imgbox.com service is more reliable than the former ones. Please tell me if you've had a bad experience with it, I don't want my pics to disappear again...) Earlier Small squirt Big squirt
  12. I kave asked StnCld316. Quick summary : - It seems that pichoster was taken down because of defying the DMCA for too long. - VHTVdoes not get DMCA to remove their Content - As to other free hosting services, there is also keep4u.ru. Multi-language.But will remove adult content that you have not marked as such. (I have looked up on Whois, it was created in 2006) When I used picpie.org (creation feb 2017), my pics were never deleted until the server went down for a few hours and my pics and account disappeared. Picpie.org is still on line now. I guess it was a technical pb. I have looked at zupimages.net (creation 2009). They say that presently there is no time limit for the hosted pictures. "Presently" means to me that some day there will be a time limit unless you subscribe and pay.
  13. I used this first. They lost all my pictures (cf this forum, part 1) and even my account. No answer from them. Won't use it again.
  14. Just found this at pichoster.net : Gone The requested resource / is no longer available on this server and there is no forwarding address. Please remove all references to this resource. ---------- So I have to look for another free hosting service accepting adult pics. This one was suggested in the CC FAQ. Any suggestion, please ?
  15. Many thanks. And thanks to Clara and Stas who take in the light so well... Very insterested by an opera ballet (but dosen't she have the grace of a ballerina ?) (Image Content No Longer Available)
  16. Nice moments in the beautiful Sunday afternoon light (Image Content No Longer Available)
  17. This boy, Tom, is a close friend of theirs, a regular guest who spends long moments with them cooking or watching TV, but on friendly terms only. Nothing sexual to be expected.
  18. Thanks a lot. My pleasure. Unfortunately for the next 2 weeks I won't have much time to watch, then to post pics.
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