Can someone save a little printscreen picture of this or when she was chilling like this nude yesterday? pleeeeeease? she's my new straight ass queen 👅👅👅
I was just gonna renew because the thumbnails of leora, and Malia WIDE OPEN froggy style looks to yummy, but ofcourse some segpay problems with my card that has been forwarded and will be fixed in 1-2 workdays 😭
Any anal yet? Replay looks like pink dildo so probably not even tho that would be amazing, let me know if it happens so I can renew, miss her ass so much
I hear that Leora has not used a dildo in her butt since BEFORE Paul arrived, or hardly used a dildo at all, just rubbing on her back again, but the praise is through the roof so why do anything else? 🙂
Thanks, you know I do, but I have no business being here anyway, I allready left, and today I left RLC, Thanks for all the love you generated in my heart over the years Leora, I'm sorry it had to end this way and so abruptly, but I'm sure the majority will enjoy your new sexual endevours.
I allways knew you were an illuminati.
sometimes you see the motion detection go of at Leoras place where it shouldn't, if you click it quick enough you might see a tail dissapear in under the bathtub or something