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Everything posted by mspanker

  1. No, the story is that nelly said no, tbh it seemed short notice , oh by the way i am flying this afternoon can i use your room. There is no other space so most likely a hotel, saying that B and N are out so maybe that have met up. Always the offline place maybe
  2. I was surprised he only got two fingers up , with that oil and the excitement of Holly i reckoned on a good 4..😉 Gina turn it will be a fist, maybe a foot..
  3. Wasnt shy in front of him then. just needs to slide the thong down and busy fingers.
  4. Packed a small backpack and left about 7pm
  5. I know shes small but did Ari leave, was on the sofa but seems to have left?
  6. Unless i am mistaken the villa has no spare rooms? So someones shifting or they are moving in with Boggy and Nelly or they are sleeping in the garage, sorry love nest. Lets say they are on today's flight, so probably going to stay in a hotel or the offline apartment, which seemed to get cleared out the other day by the stuff that appeared in B4. Will that come online or the old Zack/luna place ( doubt that as of the noise issue) Just my thoughts..
  7. thanks for the info. As i say, if you want to and can pay and afford to be stuck in quarantine then it possible TBF most in the B units could do the 5 easy, its not like they move much anyway, take away the WIFI though that would be a different story
  8. Sitting on a beach with a mask on and all that? Will pass on that! Travel anyway is possible, depends how hard you want to try and how much you are willing to pay. Will wait and see
  9. Paying the price for the away night Orgy.. i think that trip a bit premature, unless travel restrictions change it will still be some time away. Maybe its in planning but unless this "legend" is on a Spanish passport or perhaps Ed visa it wont be this month. Either that or a spell in a quarantine hotel? Not sure what the Spanish rules are just the UK ones.
  10. Giving it a good clean down, worked up such a sweat she has had to remove her clothes the poor girl. Working on a Saturday as well, no rest for some 😉
  11. Sat on the bed thurs night and the tray fell over and the hot coffee went over with it.
  12. seems just the locals, came back with a lot of supplies, a mini party outside in the sun. Just Curly extra although he is part of the furniture Corona beer and dope seem to be the order today
  13. not sure i understand but if you mean who is there, the whole gang (b4) plus Curly
  14. He is a true gentleman..he sat on the walk and had Gina fetch stuff to save his tired legs
  15. fair play too you. Even if you produced photos some people would still say ....oh wait your really Boggy.....🕵️‍♀️ Ha you let that slip...
  16. waiting for the fact that H and M came back with B and N...so that equals were together the whole time since they left that is 2+2=7
  17. and nelly is outside with the others at the table. The guessing isnt what it used to be 😉
  18. 19 degree according to the pool screen, does look nice, we are expecting heavy rain and sleet and snow on the high ground, normal bank holiday weather 😞
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