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Everything posted by mspanker

  1. That would work, imagine the look on Seras face if she walked in and saw that..she would loose it big time...
  2. plenty of yogurt in the fridge..that will be good for the cheeks 😉
  3. Seen her bate before but first time spilling coffee, and it was funny ..and shes ok as well and looks like it hasnt done any damage just a red cheek
  4. Dont think the bed change was planned, as to Clare, they seem to have hit it off and getting on well, without Carlos there maybe Clare will make her move on Radi..House is otherwise empty, Sera seems to have a guy now and Ari has at least one and hasn't been home as far as i know since leaving B4 . Doesnt seem to be much in distance between the the two places so might not be too long a wait
  5. She sat on the bed and tipped her coffee over...had to go in the shower to cool off, you will see shes changed the cover and next time she gets up has a red ass No damage done and smiling now but looked a bit painful at the time
  6. fair bet, yeah. you missed the bath time bit but Meg has done that already so it might be skipped.
  7. Wonder if shes brought her crayons for a girls on tour enlightenment night or Mr Pinky for a late night rub?
  8. Pregnant? Maybe missed a period? DNA test for Boggy coming up...
  9. she has very good people skills, an easy going way about her and i except not many say no to her. For my opinion only i doubt the guys she is seeing would step inside the flat, it would be outside pickup/drop off. The only possible was i see that is a BBQ at B4 villa, afternoon, relaxed kind of thing and even then i would still have doubts Maybe in the summer coming but i doubt she will still be here, the moment she can travel she will unless this is Mr Right She commented whilst on the phone she wanted to go but personal reasons meant she couldnt travel not that the restrictions were stopping her ( sexy video night to the guy in Dubai) although it probably adds to the problems. I like her as you can tell, mad as a box of frogs, cute as anything but has a plan and thats the same as most...$$$$ and security.
  10. I dount the guys shes hooking up with at the moment would like there face shown on any site Ari likes the finer things and guys with cash, successful business guys or married...not some young lad in a club 😉
  11. No he wasnt in Spain but Dubai and might be coming over in April. ( sexy face time a few weeks ago) This is someone new, maybe in the last two days, she got flowers from someone the day after she went to a party and got back in the morning. She has a few options by the look.
  12. Shes met someone just recently and been seeing him the last week, not sure where hes from but she speaks English to him, thats why she is up early and smartly dressed and out. ( Lunch dates the places are open in the day) i dont speak Ukrainian and phone translate software is very hit and miss so lots of gaps to fill in
  13. They also sold more keyrings than albums, and they sold shitloads of albums
  14. So no great meeting, nobody up early, situation normal. B2 had breakfast outside in the sunshine and left, H and M up as per normal and in the fitness room, Pam back on the bed with the laptop, Boggy no clue don't really care, Gina not back yet. Prob M and H have lunch and go shopping, or back in the room doing nails or other similar shit. That saves people time asking , thank me later
  15. thanks for sharing. not easy i found getting the layout outside
  16. shame, think it would be a good one if it were to happen
  17. nice work, you do or something that was already published?
  18. I would like to think so as H and M are close but i think the time apart Meg might not want to share. Before my time i understand she has done 3somes but she might not be so keen now.
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