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Everything posted by Robwin

  1. No good having an approved ass if you don't show fuckall else
  2. Looks as though Anna & Alex are having a clear up to in preparation for leaving.
  3. Recently yes a lot of slow loading which is pain in the ass when trying to follow anyone they are gone again before you reach there 😁
  4. Lol yeah too true, they only take orders from Frau Merkel anyway lol
  5. Same here pal, I am always clearing my cache etc which seems to cure it for a while but then it seems to go again. Seems odd those users over in Europe don't seem to get many problems? I reckon VH are being run by the EU and Barnier & Juncker are making sure it fucks up for everyone else.😂
  6. Sorry Jabba am not in a good mood right now. No good working now when the actions all over lol. Its working here right now but even the time line not working now for earlier on when i needed it.
  7. Getting a bit fed up with making tickets lately they either want to get the whole system working properly or bloody jack it in grrrrr
  8. yeah been having problems all night especially in this bedroom really pissed off now.
  9. Many of these cams not loading has been a right pisser all evening especially Jeff & violets bedroom cams all i get is a bloody black screen with spinning circle. Just tried now on the time line and nothings loading from this bedroom, am really pissed off.
  10. Sid is a bloody waste of space Em wants getting rid fast.
  11. Yeah don't we all and with a little bit of Ary as well lol
  12. Wasn't aware of any break in wow must have been a bit frightening for Ary
  13. Surely they aren't leaving this time of night
  14. Maria's trying bloody hard but Mari ain't letting go of that blanket easily lol
  15. I see the girls are turning out the guest room, I hope Patty isn't looking at moving in there i want her in with Ary lol
  16. Any idea what the joint phone call is all about Amy? Yep Patty is sure well hot mmm.
  17. I was not aware jeff & violet were having problems temper wise i hope they are able to resolve them as they have always seemed a lovely couple
  18. Yep still having problems with slow loading and switching cams etc no doubt they will get on top of things hopefully sooner or later, preferably sooner. Let's hope they solve all their problems before adding yet more apartments.
  19. This apartment seems to spend more time offline than on. Hope they can sort the cams out the ghosting is terrible, never been right since they started.
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