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Posts posted by Robwin

  1. 59 minutes ago, Just In said:

    I was having the same problem across the whole site, every time it happened I had to clear my cache and do a hard reload on my browser and it worked for a while until it started acting up again. 

    Same here pal, I am always clearing my cache etc which seems to cure it for a while but then it seems to go again. Seems odd those users over in Europe don't seem to get many problems? I reckon VH are being run by the EU and Barnier & Juncker are making sure it fucks up for everyone else.😂

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  2. 9 minutes ago, Amy3 said:

    Yes, they will be moving into a new place soon. I think the drunkard guy, who tried to break in the other day wsa the final straw for this place. George and Ary have a keen eye for quality. I'm sure that the new place will be better then this one. Me, I'm hoping for a better bathroom with a full tub view. Also, a better view of the mirror in the bathroom or elsewhere. I want to see them both applying makeup. So sexy! Ary's face is a wonderland for makeup.

    Being very conservative Amy dear? lol 

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  3. 17 minutes ago, maxfactor said:

    so are you still having issues with you cameras?...as of right now, I am finding several cams in many apartments that will not load or are very slow to load.

    Yep still having problems with slow loading and switching cams etc no doubt they will get on top of things hopefully sooner or later, preferably sooner. Let's hope they solve all their problems before adding yet more apartments.

  4. 1 minute ago, Sparkles said:

    Another example i notice this afternoon.. more then 3-4 times a thumb of Lexi&Pete LR is showing.. and we know that nobody is there 

    Yeah i have noticed that on other apartments as well, obviously beta not going very well still lol

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