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Posts posted by Robwin

  1. 4 minutes ago, Sparkles said:

    Maybe that.. and i understand the rent is lower for sure, but i think it's really "bad" to have a tenant sleeping regularly like that (same problem at Lisa&Chloe, NAS, and others)

    Quite agree no one has any privacy with only one bedroom and ruins the whole lifestyle.

  2. Despite being a walking corpse Edda seems to think a lot of Joe and don't think either if them will do anything to upset the other. Both have had a little play in the shower with Allan and Nina but no more has ever happened.Edda even had a feel of Allans dick through his pants once but went no further.

  3. I can understand how Amy feels in that most of their actions are planned and contrived just for the viewers, that was shown last night in the kitchen when Megan looked directly at the cam, smiled and put her fingers up as a gesture of approval or whatever. Yes I admit at times it looks very good and they both have great bodies but as I have said before it just horses for courses. Compare them with say Lina & Dominica who are perfectly natural and whose sexual actions are completely off the cuff and honest with complete disregard for the cams. So in a few words what ever floats your boat just enjoy.😋

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  4. 1 minute ago, jjkopite said:

    I would think that if the managers told VH they were going to close the place VH would accept that.

    Yeah maybe so, its all guesswork from us really unless anyone else knows better. Zoi & Tim are back on Saturday anyway so Linda may resume her rounds then lol.

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