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Posts posted by Robwin

  1. 4 minutes ago, Sparkles said:

    I understand that not every time are important things happening in all apartments and of course it's still a "beta version".. But i notice that there was "action" in some apartments and thumbs are showing one tenant "doing nothing" from other house for a long time .. Like it is now it creates a false sensation on the viewers about stuff that aren't on thumbs

    I have sent them a ticket asking for an update on their thumbnails etc.

  2. 1 minute ago, Sparkles said:

    Well according to VH she will be out till Sunday.. But with the recent occurrences maybe she have delayed the return time.. But about sleep, she have always the couch meanwhile the bedrooms are full.. she is used to that (unfortunately) 

    Don't understand why VH have to overfill apartments when there are not enough bedrooms? Poor Em seems to be used as a stopgap filler for many apartments??

  3. Just been looking back on timeline and Mari seems more interested in blanket round her and sleeping despite Maria's advances towards her, mmm not looking good so far.

    Still not surprised as nothing happened in the last apartment but then lets give her a bit more time i suppose.:huh:

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