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Everything posted by upyourass

  1. Guys, we are talking about the Czech Republic here, where the Bee Gees are still number one and the Postman still delivers on a horse.
  2. Actually I dont know what is worse.....the Breakdancing or the Rapping.....hmmmmm πŸ™ƒ
  3. I think he himself thinks he is very good. The fact that it looks like shooting a rhino doesn't realize it himself. Jumping a few somersaults doesn't make you a breakdancer. Too heavy, no talent, and various Corona infections make him ask so much of his body that it makes him sick, because he has no resistance. They are often in bed by 9 a.m. for a reason, he is devastated, she is just lazy. He must apply himself 100% to his video business that's where his talent is. Not the spot lights he wishes for, but is a stable income. He should let his wife run the spot lights, that is where her (only) talent lies (actually 2 talents) 😁
  4. That sweater that's not even finished ya mean ? 😁 ha, she is 33 mate not 16 !
  5. Why change so many clothes in 1 day. I don't care what she wears...🀭
  6. Damn this server is slow again today......................you guys at CC need more paying members........oops πŸ˜‰
  7. If you have a bit of guts then ask hear to put a vibrator( with your name on it) in her pussy during bath time. Please include the day and date so I can be ready with my trousers on my ankles and afterwards I wil kneel in front of you with my sincere apologies and respect if it actually happens.
  8. WOEHAHAHA....of course she will, that's a normal shower routine for a woman mate, you ever seen a woman take a shower before ? 🀣
  9. Here here......Which they thus clearly cannot provide. Correction...T-Dumb can (learn), but Linda won't, or you should count an oil session as porn 🀣 πŸ˜‰.
  10. Man, dont be naiv, she doesn't listen too anyone of us. RLC came with an strong ultimatum after the fucked up departure of the two loveturds. 'Either shake those tits or get out', THATS the motivation.
  11. hmmm have to back up Jugg here 🀭 on the first part (very long time ago, but still), but about initiating, you are so right, furthermore.... does she ever gave T-Dumb a sweet kiss, going out or coming home, or just because she 'loves' him without sexual intention (she lacks anyway)?. Nah, this relation is not normal anymore, her (sexual) feelings for the T-Dumb are dropping dramatically.
  12. That was one of the 'more then one way' 😁
  13. Hahaha....10 minutes of lotion on 1 cam was more then enough for me mate, 1 min more and I would be bored anyway.🀣
  14. Hell, I wont even subscribe when she DOES bate. The whole internet is full of free baters......Linda is not THAT special. Never payed for porn/sex, never will.
  15. We gonna thank her now for 'Lotioning' ???? wow, you guys are easily satisfied. 🀣
  16. I saw it, right at that moment the freebee cams were open for about 10 minutes 😁 and I asked Esander because he apparently, has the same "lotion-fetish" you have....
  17. Wow...that's Dark Man.....( and scary) 😁
  18. Are you guys also having trouble with connecting the CC server, and thus the loading times ? ist almost as slow as Linda walking from the TV to the kitchen 😁
  19. Shame she can't sing, but beautiful she is ! 😁
  20. But very nice oiling show at 16:30...... but for them who expect more................
  21. Yep by size, she is almost 2 woman now 🀣
  22. Have you been talking to @jugghead ? 😁
  23. Bit positiv on the 90 secs, but for the rest AMEN ! 🀣
  24. Nah mate...the only thing she is playing with is her phone 🀣
  25. A little ? ????......... MAN, all glasses broke here in the cupboard, which is on the 2nd floor, in the shed, 30 metres away, behind a wel insulated 3-inch door. πŸ™‰
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