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Everything posted by upyourass

  1. Cloth fitting day, so hard at work !
  2. 10:45, she is almost ready to seize the day in all her glory (whats left of it) 11:00 Update, got out to take a piss and went straight to bed again. Seizing the day has to wait.
  3. Fortunately, we can also enjoy gymnastics for the disabled again. The sitcom is about to start !
  4. yep, till they are both behind a walker and her tits get stuck under the wheels.
  5. There back online ! seems nothing has changed !
  6. But........that's............................nothing ?
  7. T-Blob has been skateboarding with 10 year olds this morning (SM), so no maintenance problems there . Perhaps the apartment needed to be properly disinfected after not being properly cleaned for so many years.
  8. Whats a normal maintenance looks like? couple o hours ? don't think there were too many problems with the cams here, on the other hand I don't have access to all the cams . Seems this takes a rather long time?
  9. 8 hours under maintenance now....still nothing to see here people, so actually business as usual
  10. Solid, but the question remains, why they need RLC to pay the rent ? Also the post from L, about having financial issues on her social beg to differ. further why you take a risk that protentional customers can see you're wife (and you) naked and can see you fuck (once a month and for 5 minutes) on the internet?
  11. Seemed a bit bigger then a Yaris as I recall....anyway, a lot of money for someone who needs help paying the (a) rent.
  12. Damn, that is a longgggg maintenance. I guess it takes a couple of hours to get all that laziness out of the system
  13. It might be (partly) financial. I remember a post by both of them on social media a while back. T-Blob was posing with a brand new car with the caption something like.... 'I gave it to myself as a gift' (at least 40,000 Euros). If you further see what he has in terms of film, photo and drone equipment, you are also just talking about 20,000 Euros. (Lego 100,000 ) if you have such amounts yourself, you do not need RLC. So it could well be that they are up to their ears in debt and not much will come in. Miss Lazy B was concerned about her financial situation in her post. T is trying many ways to get by, she thinks her boobs will bring salvation and frankly, not much more she can/wil do either.
  14. Specially while he is the one who is trying (to much) to get both there lives on track financially for the long term. She doesn't seem to understand that within in 5 years, her tits will be like shaving straps and thus without the ability to pay the rent.
  15. But, these days Lego can be more satisfying than having sex with Linda
  16. Jezus, both are so boring these last days, even I can't come up with anything funny......ppffffff Monday wil be better though
  17. More (kiddy) stuff that doesn't sell.... . Lose the Blackfish label, its already taken anyway (for 45 years) and stick to the video and filming stuff. That's where your skills lie.
  18. I don't understand anything you say, but next time PM me with your off-topic jurons.
  19. I wonder if the visitors are told they are being filmed. These days that kind of footage can pop up anywhere. Je me demande si les visiteurs sont informés qu'ils sont filmés. De nos jours, ce genre d'images peut apparaître n'importe où.
  20. What job and what past ? I have been here 2 years longer than you and have never seen her work. She has tried a lot of Unreported employment yes, but never kept/maintained anything.
  21. Miss Lazy B is pretending to be a stylist , probably has a future bride over and are doing trial runs(speculating). Did her makeup and is now working on her, hair. don't understand why some people don't go to an official company for such an important day, other then have this done by a side hustler.
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