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Everything posted by StnCld316

  1. Their likely speaking of the other guy visiting. He's apparently a pron star.
  2. Playing video games is not a sure fire way to get in a girls panties. Maybe Wolf's mental thinking thinks it works but the real world knows better.
  3. Enjoy it while they can. RLC is not a live forever someday RLC will no longer exist.
  4. Don't know if €2,500 a month is classified as being wealthy but it's not bad for sitting around doing basically nothing.
  5. Way too soon for residency papers. One has to live and work in the Czech Republic 10 years.
  6. When they get older and see the shape their in they'll wish the day they never started in the first place. Been there, done it and got the T-Shirt!
  7. For being a porn star he sure displayed some performance issues at the beginning with Ney in Wolfs room. He had an issue of maintaining a hard on.
  8. Apartment Topic for Jenny Moreira. Link to this Apartment: Reallifecam | Voyeur House 24/7 LIVE | Living Room 1 Jenny Moreira | en Please Note: When Uploading any Pictures a Third Party Host Must be Used. For the Time Being Please Do Not Upload Using Attachments.
  9. Apartment Topic for Natasha Cool. Link to this Apartment: Reallifecam | Voyeur House 24/7 LIVE | Living room Natasha Cool | en Please Note: When Uploading any Pictures a Third Party Host Must be Used. For the Time Being Please Do Not Upload Using Attachments.
  10. That's possible. He was in the kitchen when he first came out of the bedroom holding his hands over the top part of his head for a bit then he went out onto the sofa for a bit and then when I looked again he was back in bed.
  11. His meltdown must be over. He's back in his bed now.
  12. He hasn't got a big enough dick to squeeze between those melons.
  13. Didn't last long he went soft. Has to put his moment on hold till he get it up again.
  14. So with them in Wolfs bed means he'll be bunking with Massimo for a night or two.
  15. This guy will put Wolf and Massimo to shame. I'd say he's got as much as Sasha. One of the guys that are blessed in life.
  16. The new girl who hasn't been named yet. They're in Wolfs room fucking under the sheets.
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