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Everything posted by StnCld316

  1. He'll be back for the free meal and a piece of ass very soon. Once you get the freeloaders in the door it's hard to get rid of them.
  2. Likely his first piece of ass since the formation of the Mateusz Morawiecki Administration.
  3. She's not into ass fucking. He had her on the sofa on B4 trying to get a finger in her ass and she pulled his hand away.
  4. He'll be trying to fuck someone else by Monday. I suppose he never told CC that he had his face buried in Sara's ass and pussy just a couple hours prior.
  5. Alberto back to his old self. Asleep on the sofa instead of in bed with his mate.
  6. She makes no noise. It's like watching a silent porno without the piano playing.
  7. 25 reactions per 24 hour period. If you wish to leave more a $20 Premium Membership gives you unlimited amount of reactions and access to many other features that you cannot access at the standard membership level.
  8. It's like watching a silent movie when they fuck.
  9. It's like watching a silent movie when they fuck.
  10. Goes to show how hard up he his. He should just go home and do the five knuckle shuffle.
  11. Maybe the girls will show her a good time. That would be a site to see Svetlana with her knees up close to her ears.
  12. You'll need to contact camarads support. Their website is separate from the forum.
  13. With pieces that are made of plastic and/or rubber.
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