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Everything posted by StnCld316

  1. She must have went to the Virgin in Training Academy.
  2. It's likely fun for them as well until one day when they wake up and it burns when they go pee.
  3. She better hope it was cleaned between usages. Those dried up critter could pose issues.
  4. They have to get home before their mother's ground them for a week.
  5. Looks like the puker and the guy with the black eye never panned out they had to find others to take care of the task.
  6. Nothing new for him. It comes naturally for some.
  7. I thought the name sounded familiar of something close I have seen before. Welcome back
  8. She needs to cut her hair to look like GI Jane. Then she won't be bothered flicking her hand through her hair 1000 times a day.
  9. That will cost him a few dollars. All that pussy juice is decaying his teeth.
  10. Depends on how much use and abuse it gets depends on it's lifecycle. Most just know how to turn the things on and that's it. A laptop death is mostly caused from a dust build up and/or poor heat dissipation. I myself just use a desktop PC and it gets a workover every 6 months on the balcony with the leaf blower.
  11. Someday the Laptop screen will just go black and that will be the end of that. Laptops are not built to last a lifetime.
  12. There was someon Pornhub about 3 or 4 months ago when i looked. The DMCA must have gotten them removed.
  13. He'll be a star on hotscopes & pornhub very soon.
  14. He should ask Wolf if he can borrow one of his injection solutions.
  15. If Leora never had any cameras around she likely wouldn't masturbate as much as she does now.
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