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Everything posted by StnCld316

  1. He's not working. He's getting inclusive at gofreddy.com
  2. Yep he waited for her to fall asleep now he begins to things he shouldn't be doing.
  3. Don't know what he gets upset about. He thinks he's Don Juan with all the girls but the others not allowed to anything with anyone else. Time to send this steroid freak packing.
  4. Miron doing his stupid shit again. He's waiting till she falls asleep and then he's going for the fingering thing that got him kicked from RLC.
  5. Nothing will happen there. She's just doing the cuddling thing.
  6. Ones just as bad as the other. Wait till you see Wolf strutting around in a tutu.
  7. In Italy they don't fuck. They just cum in the girls shoes and flies will look after the rest.
  8. He has a woman. I always though the way he talked with his hands he was queer.
  9. Knock it off or continue your love affair in rants & flames.
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