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Everything posted by StnCld316

  1. She can have it anytime she wants. She has no ties to Wolf other than a fuck. If he can fuck anything with a pulse, she can as well.
  2. She returns Tuesday the 5th according what it shows on RLC
  3. She suffers depression. Afterall living with Paul would make anyone depressed.
  4. The cracks wearing off. He better find another rock.
  5. Quick way to solve it, have Babi's trash she brought in with her exit the apartment.
  6. Back for more Free Food & Free Booze.
  7. I'm just waiting for the day the Leora & Paul saga finally comes to an end.
  8. Handles administrative tasks in the educational sector. If the educational sector ever catches wind of this endeavor she may no longer be in that position. Some people are not to bright allowing their positions of their employment to be involved in a site where you suck & fuck in your spare time.
  9. First off what are you trying to get confirmed? It would give someone a better understanding of what you're speaking about.
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