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Everything posted by StnCld316

  1. May take awhile, she's blonde and naive.
  2. They should do what Leora and Malia did when they started out. Give a massage watch something sexy and then masturbate without the covers of course. Just give them a magnum of wine and they're on their way.
  3. Bog and his Bum Bud playing video games, Wolf on the laptop and Lacrim in his own world asleep on the sofa all the while Margo alone in her room and Nellie having a shower. Very productive evening for B#7.
  4. Lacrim whacking his mole under the covers again. Watching Wolfs ass must be turning him on.
  5. Wolf in Neys room. Who knows what he's trying to do but I can bet he's likely working on getting into her pants. That would be his only objective for being there. Lacrim was sent home so the child's play act wont repeat.
  6. It's like that for everyone. Admin was working at getting the issue resolved.
  7. After what they did for him last night he was expecting the same tonight but he got bamboozled.
  8. Hard to believe they deprive themselves of a nights sleep to entertain a loser.
  9. OK I'll get her bed ready. OOPS looks like the bottom wasn't secure.
  10. Sabina went to bed. She has had enough of his antics for the night.
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