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Everything posted by StnCld316

  1. They have to keep in touch. Alberto owes her money.
  2. That will surely draw the fruit flies and other larvae if not cleaned up properly.
  3. That I would not know. I didn't see it happen. Masha's not that much of a squirter to be that wet so that rules that out. As long as Elvis or Masha never pissed the bed then likely something got spilled.
  4. Seems to be that way. Just listening to the tunes of music playing, one would have to be whacked out on drugs just to relate to the whatever message the songs are trying to get across.
  5. Lets hope Lacrims run with RLC is over before Christmas comes around. He'll be fondling everything that moves if he's still there.
  6. I guess they never heeded Bob Barkers advice. "Help control the pet population, have your pet spayed or neutered"
  7. Watch Dantez fuck. He's really slow. Moves like a piston ready to seize up.
  8. Sphynx. Sphynx Cat Breed Information | Purina WWW.PURINA.CO.UK Mischievous, outgoing and most famous for its lack of a fur coat, the Sphynx cat is a highly affectionate cat breed that loves a cuddle...
  9. Likely sick from the cheese stuck on his dick. He never bathes, he just sits in the water, never uses any soap. (Maybe it's a Russian custom for men)
  10. I heard and seen it from the free cam from the kitchen.
  11. 23 minutes from my last post and Lacrim went home shutdown once again.
  12. Seems her only lifeline to guys is if they got drugs.
  13. They're on the bed, something turned their conversation into a little argument. Paul storms out of the bedroom and off to the guestroom with his headphones.
  14. Lacrim's wasting his time whatever he's trying to do. He may as well go home and get an early start beating off as he has no hopes of getting into Cecilia's pants.
  15. RLC's best bet is to shut the apartment down and seek out a new couple. Send Alberto packing. He can live at his house even while renovating is taking place. HINT! HINT! RLC
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