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Everything posted by StnCld316

  1. SAVE YOUR MONEY. I think RLC is a cool concept. What makes it not worth supporting? phatso if you like the idea and WANT to support RLC then by all means go ahead.i was just trying to save you some money.you need tho to go back thru some of the posts and look at how many people that are cancelling their paid membership's to rlc (for whatever reason) go ahead and get a paid membership and follow it as much as you can {every apartment} then you can make your judgement on whether it is worth supporting. if you do this and Really Like it then have a good time with it. The only time I get into the unlocked rooms is when http://login2.me spits out a working username and password. Other than that I am happy with the free rooms. does it work for RLC ? Yes the odd time it does. I have been using this for 4 months and have gotten access at least 5 different times. Just one of those things you have to be patient and wait for it to click.
  2. You are correct. "Nora & Kiko" appeal to the more "intellectual" among us who have the patience to read long Russian novels. I had not heard her name might be Anastasya (only Nastya, Natasha, Nora, etc.). It's a pretty name and would fit her. I wish her and her man success, and I also realize they'll have to migrate out of their situation in order to blossom with their talents. yes, his real name is anastasya I think nastya is simply the diminutive ... His real name. Looks like a her to me.
  3. Where I am from, it's called Freeloading and does not bode well with me. Make it on your own or starve.
  4. SAVE YOUR MONEY. I think RLC is a cool concept. What makes it not worth supporting? phatso if you like the idea and WANT to support RLC then by all means go ahead.i was just trying to save you some money.you need tho to go back thru some of the posts and look at how many people that are cancelling their paid membership's to rlc (for whatever reason) go ahead and get a paid membership and follow it as much as you can {every apartment} then you can make your judgement on whether it is worth supporting. if you do this and Really Like it then have a good time with it. The only time I get into the unlocked rooms is when http://login2.me spits out a working username and password. Other than that I am happy with the free rooms.
  5. They should look at Isabel and Marcellos dogs. They don't get walked much either.Plus they piss and shit in the apartment. Isabel has rubbed their noses in shit because the master won't take them out when need to.
  6. Haha begins with G... ;) Paul hasn't learned how to find that spot.
  7. That empty Coca Cola bottle hasn't moved in over a week.
  8. I don't want to watch porn models (like Isabel), I prefer real girls "from the street" and that's why I'm here on RLC and CC and not at cam4, MFC, chatrubate... I saw Katya at bathroom today - she was shy. And it's more fun for me to watch how such type of girl becomes less shyer day after day I don't think she is a porn model. Porn Models scream out an orgasm just by touching their nipples. Isabel is quiet as a church mouse no matter what gets done with her. She makes more sound when she sits on the toilet pinching a loaf.
  9. Where I am from I have seen people literally not take a bath or shower for 2 months and also wear the same clothing everyday. You talk about smell. Makes a corpse smell heavenly.
  10. i will cut your penis off. LOL Lorena Bobbit Style.
  11. I think the dog went back to one of their parents.The day he walked the dog out he has the food and everything else associated with the dog.
  12. Providing you get the right one for download. I have downloaded from torrents and sometimes have to download 5 different ones before you get one that actually works.
  13. Any wagers how long this apartment will last.
  14. Towards the end of the clip you could hear the voice. It's not Isabel.
  15. Not working here either. Black screen with a continuous circle.
  16. I understand how she can let him play video games because the man has stamina! Wonder what pills he eat?! You could sure hear how wet Alinas pussy was. I usually don't fap to this stuff but today was an exception.
  17. (The Images associated with this comment are no longer accessible and have been removed).
  18. just use windows 7. If you are familiar with Torrents you can download a copy of windows 7 Ultimate with SP1 then just search on torrent for a windows 7 Loader by Daz for validating after you get it installed. Or if you prefer to stay with XP you can download a copy of XP Pro with SP3. I believe the Pro Version does not require Validation like the Home Edition.
  19. Try the magnifier on the operating system it seems to work good a bringing images closer.
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