In the US, this is what we call "Welcome to the new normal."
I have never subscribed, but at one time, it looked like an option. Now, nothing of interest happens in the unlocked rooms -- Leora and Maya only briefly show off their wonderful bodies -- and there are no dramatic stories except for the problems between Alma & Stefan. Nora did eat some meat today -- big whoop, and hookahs are very popular in Russia. If Leora didn't have her new doggy there would be nothing to watch. Even Meerkat has become difficult to find.
Watching grass grow is more exciting than this has become since RLC "clamped-down" on the free rooms. And, you those of you with subscriptions are also bored, I would expect RLC's hit rate and subscriptions to decline.
After 5 long months of winter weather, watching the grass grow would be more exciting.
RLC needs to do an overhaul and replace all the apartments with some fresh meat that can speak English.
Stefan he went into the guest bedroom to sleep, which seems odd. Maybe his buddy Guido is still there.