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Everything posted by StnCld316

  1. To have a big and fancy engagement ring means some dude has lots of money.
  2. He better hope she washed her ass before he started licking.
  3. Good place for him. Prevents him from thinking with the wrong head.
  4. The only thing he's going to do is leave a stain on the sofa cushions from sweating armpits.
  5. Nelly & Bogdan are boring. Not even 11PM on a Friday night and their in bed already sleeping.
  6. If Angie cant make the top cam the dog will do it for her.
  7. Look like one of the costume stuff you'd get from Walmart's Gumball Machine.
  8. She gets the benefit when he leaves the apartment. At least she doesn't have to suck the cheese from his dick from lack of bathing.
  9. That's a waste of time for him. He doesn't benefit anything from it.
  10. He wore a mini-dress yesterday. I thought he was trying to impress Lacrim with his gay behavior.
  11. It seems the 7 or 8 year or longer relationship she had with him was meaningless.
  12. It was UM at the time of their postings of 11 or more hours ago.
  13. He's likely the Steward of the Peter Pumpers Union as well.
  14. She could pass gas and still be the top camera.
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