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Everything posted by StnCld316

  1. She could pass gas and still be the top camera.
  2. He can always go home. There's a guy in his bed waiting for him.
  3. Don't hold your breath. Tomorrow he'll likely be seeking another.
  4. That time when Dylan stayed at B1 for 2 or 3 nights, he tried his darndest to get in her pants and nothing worked for him, she kept shutting him down. If Dylan could not do it I don't think anyone else will. Maybe she's one of those girls that save their cherry for their wedding night.
  5. He won't get know where with her. She freezes up with any intimate moments with others.
  6. One of the girls should kick him in the nuts. Then he'll take the hint.
  7. She even put the hookah mouthpiece thing up her twat trying to cancer of her vagina.
  8. Lacrim should be about to leave soon as well. He likely wont get to many goodbyes either.
  9. If she's not gone tomorrow then I'll have to put her name back on the header.
  10. The blonde roots is likely the cause. 🤣🤣
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