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Everything posted by StnCld316

  1. Then something must be covering the night vision sensor to stop it from working as the light from the hall can be seen but dark in the bedroom completely.
  2. The night vision is unplugged by the looks of things. Similar to what Bogdan had done a few nights ago.
  3. If Nelly should happen to read the forum then he's busted. 🤣🤣
  4. She's marked as on vacation until April 24th so there's lots of time to figure her purpose for being there, if she's staying there the whole time or if she's moving around the RLC circuit. She must be making something from RLC as she's able to afford to travel to all these places in a short amount of time.
  5. Masha shows up and this topic has had more conversation in one day than it has had in the last 2 months. 😁
  6. Lets hope he doesn't abuse the cats.
  7. When she shows that means someone is going. Who's the lucky one. 😁
  8. Don't know why it's doing that. Try this one, it will take you to the site I have it upload on. https://zupimages.net/up/23/12/hdhs.jpg
  9. Apartment Topic for Valeria & Brian. Note: We don't allow Camarads Uploads to Public Boards on Cam Caps.
  10. Maybe he wants Vencel as a Bum Buddy.
  11. He must have thought someone was going to have an Allahu Akbar moment.
  12. Nothing ever lasts long with Paul. He just does not have what it takes to please women. He still hasn't figured what pleases Leora after all these years. The man is just utterly useless.
  13. That's what all that take out food will do to a person.
  14. All they got to do is cut the plastic clip and remove the hydro meter from the home or call the hydro utility to do it. People won't stay long with no hydro. Where's this big stand your ground law. If you got trespassers just walk in show them the gun pointing at them and say GTFO or get blown into the world of Lucifer.
  15. Reminds me of the classic. Give a Whistle.
  16. Everyone on RLC is there for the money. There's no other reason. 😁
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