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Everything posted by StnCld316

  1. Everyone has an ignore button feature. If you use it then his posts will not show when you're reading.
  2. Don't think this dudes dogs bark up the same tree. 😁
  3. The first thing she likely done when she got back was strip down and spread her legs.
  4. 'He Betrayed Us': Why Trump's Call To Protest Is Flopping WWW.MSN.COM The vast majority of pro-Trump online groups seemed to shrug off the former President's rallying cry So much for his supporters helping his cause. Once bitten, twice shy. 😁
  5. A Mortician will have a fun time reading the tats through all the wrinkles. 😁
  6. A lot of politicians never finished high school either so what's her point.
  7. I have no pity for drug addicts. Let them suffer their consequences.
  8. I didn't look at the foot, I just seen animation on the toes. I'll change it.
  9. He's only corrupt because Trump says he is. We all know how Trump acts when he's backed into a corner. He comes out with his name calling and acts like a 10 year old kid in a 78 year old body.
  10. Apartment Topic for Kamila & Danildo. Note: We don't allow Camarads Uploads to Public Boards on Cam Caps.
  11. The old saying holds true. A fool and their money are easily parted.
  12. Vladimir Putin pays surprise visit to occupied Mariupol in Ukraine | Ukraine | The Guardian WWW.THEGUARDIAN.COM Russian president makes first trip to Donbas region since invasion, in show of defiance after ICC arrest warrant This was a chance for the ICC to grab Putin and they missed the opportunity. 😁
  13. The walls are closing in on the Orange Grifter. He'll soon be whimpering like a baby wanting his pampers changed. 🤣🤣
  14. Don't believe everything you read. It may corrupt your mind. 🤣🤣
  15. She may have developed dementia and forgot where she's supposed to be staying. 🤣🤣
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