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Everything posted by StnCld316

  1. The Chinese likely don't care what they do to the balloon. It likely has already done what it was sent out to do.
  2. Nothing new for her. She's Barcelona's poster girl for AA. 😁
  3. Women enjoy playing Pacman. It's the only game where they get eaten 3 times for a quarter. 🤣🤣
  4. Only by means of Private Messaging (PM)
  5. If that's what he wants then his wishes should be honored. It will save the Taxpayers money in the long run.
  6. MAID should be made available to anyone who does not want to be amongst the living any longer. Your body, your choice.
  7. Likely just a fart stuck sideways. 🤣
  8. One of these days it will turn green and fall off. 🤣
  9. Henry find some energy and remove the christmas tree. The holiday was over weeks ago. 🤣
  10. Every ass is the same it has 2 cheeks and a hole. It just comes in different sizes.
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