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Everything posted by StnCld316

  1. The only way Fentanyl is going to be stopped is every Nation must go after their Pharmaceutical Companys that make and produce Fentanyl and force them to stop making this drug or get shut down and their license to operate permanently revoked.
  2. Traumatizing What's there to teach. No such person has ever existed.
  3. So what does B1 have to do with Venera & Lion.
  4. Or Paul stays on the computer trying to be inclusive reading gofreddie.com
  5. Don't say that! We have enough Skanks on our turf as it is.
  6. Once Svetlana has all the cooties vacuumed up.
  7. Apartment Topic for Pamela & David. Note: We don't allow Camarads Uploads to Public Boards on Cam Caps.
  8. The only way tax refunds can become smaller is by raising the tax base.
  9. Drug addicts are another burden. It's their own fault they got hooked on drugs and then they expect the taxpayer to fund projects such as methadone clinics and houses for them to sleep & dry out doing their shake rattle and roll only to go back right to the drugs after their released.
  10. I have no issue with the medical assisted death for the terminally ill or mentally ill. It's their choice to either stay or wanting to leave this world. I wouldn't mind seeing a stand your ground law where one does not get charged for shooting someone breaking into one's home as opposed being charged with murder. I'm also for bringing back the Death Penalty that was abolished back in 1976 by Trudeau's father Pierre. They also need to bring back the lash instead of filling jail cells with law breakers. Once someone gets 50 lashes they'll think twice before committing another crime. Too many laws are in favor of the suspect committing the crime and not the victim.
  11. Someone should let that strategist know that Cash will always be King.
  12. Herschel Walker under fire as financial records show he was only renting out Georgia home WWW.MSN.COM Herschel Walker under fire as financial records show he was only renting out Georgia home - Former NFL star is trying to unseat...
  13. Start donning your body armor’: Conspiracy theorists storm Maricopa County hearing to thwart election certification WWW.MSN.COM Election deniers in Arizona confronted the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors on Monday in an effort to stop the certification of the...
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