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Everything posted by StnCld316

  1. Buy an artificial tree and never have to buy another real tree again.
  2. As Senate runoff nears, Herschel Walker's ex-girlfriend details abuse WWW.MSN.COM As the U.S. Senate runoff between Sen.
  3. FOX News Finally Fires Lara Trump Nearly 3 Weeks After Her Sugardaddy-in-Law Announces for President WWW.DAILYKOS.COM For over six years Fox News has served as the de facto Ministry of Disinformation for Donald Trump during both his campaigns and his...
  4. Paul is clueless when it comes to satisfying a woman. Millions of others in the world that could do better and she chooses a dipshit.
  5. That's just a massage vibrator. It'll burn out in a week.
  6. The browsers will still function in their current capacity on the O/S it's just the updates will no longer be provided for that product. Those older O/S's are certainly better than the current day ones they have now. All Windows 10 & Windows 11 have become is a snooping factory. They figure since they give the O/S's to the user for free they'll have to take whatever thrown at them regardless of whether they like it or not. At least in Windows 7,8 & 8.1 those functions could be disabled to prevent all the snooping.
  7. There's an easy solution. Why don't you buy RLC and then run it your way and tell the girls what they're supposed to do.
  8. The girl is not obligated to him, she's free to do and mingle with whoever she wants. At the end when the parties over Tim will go home alone and beat his willie into oblivion.
  9. That's Kubrick's Clockwork Orange Part #2
  10. That's who should be gone after. There are ways to sneak in and snuff them out. The Mexican Government wouldn't complain much.
  11. Trudeau won't get reelected again. Now that Pierre Poilievre has become leader of the Conservatives Trudeau's days are now numbered. With the NDP in bed with the Liberals for a coalition Trudeau is there until 2025 but if the NDP split from the liberals then a vote of non-confidence can be brought upon the Liberals forcing an election a lot sooner. Trump has too much baggage over his head. His base has shrunk and if Ron DeSantis runs for the nomination Trump will be finished. As far as the article goes Trump is just living in a fantasy. He still thinks the election was stolen and there has been no actual facts, it's all Conspiracy Theories and he still think he should be reinstated due to fraud. He should know that the election cannot be overturned. He's a grown adult with the mindset of child. The only thing with Trump is the word Losing does not fit into his vocabulary. He pats himself on the back when accolades are given and blames everyone else when he fails. Over his 4 years of being President he has done a lot of blaming for his failures.
  12. Trump calls for himself to be reinstated as president by falsely claiming fraud overrides Constitution WWW.MSN.COM Trump calls for himself to be reinstated as president by falsely claiming fraud overrides Constitution - Former president rants on Truth Social... Sorry Trump. You will never ever sit as President ever again.
  13. Paul shovels food into his mouth like he's eating his last meal.
  14. Paul will go to sleep leaving Leora to take care of herself again. It's like watching Bonanza Reruns.
  15. Sometimes they block the IP addresses of ones that post even if they do not have a RLC account.
  16. They could possibly block your IP address but things like that are very simple to change.
  17. Where's this big stand your ground law they have. The store manager or anyone with a gun could have plugged the dudes off into the next world. In Canada a lot of merchants have rules to their operations. If one wears a backpack they are made to remove it and leave it at the front of the store and if they're covering themselves with a hoodie they are asked to lower the hood until they exit the premises. If they fail to comply they are asked to leave and told not to return.
  18. Obama launches epic takedown of Herschel Walker - as polling shows voters might be done with him WWW.MSN.COM Obama launches epic takedown of Herschel Walker - as polling shows voters might be done with him - Comes just days before Senate runoff
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