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Everything posted by StnCld316

  1. Just depends on the part you go to at certain times of the year. Some places in Canada get snow 8 months out of a 12-month calendar cycle. I'm in the Southwestern Region we usually get snow anywhere from the end of October to mid-November till the Middle to end of March. I just hibernate a few months. Online ordering and make someone else fight the cold to bring me my goods, works for me.
  2. Come to Canada, we'll let you experience some of the bitter cold. You'll even get a bang for your USD at $1.33 Canadian.
  3. Don't know what she sees in this useless sack of shit. He abuses the cats.
  4. That means she'll wash the dog when she gets home. She hates brown stains on the mattress.
  5. Now Charles will destroy hundreds of years of tradition with his bent-out ego.
  6. She's watching a replay. Lizzy was laid to rest hours ago.
  7. With Paul picking his nose and flicking the boogers around also pulling the hairs out of his head it likely needs vacuuming on a daily basis.
  8. The music they listened to one would have to smoke a pound or two of weed just to relate to the message it was trying to get across.
  9. I do not support Justin Trudeau at all. I do not agree with any of his nefarious policies. Liberals in Canada only have one objective, that's Tax & Spend. We may have to put up with Trudeau until 2025 unless the NDP decide to Divorce the Liberals from their Coalition Government they created by stepping in bed with them. Trudeau and Jagmeet Singh will pay the political price for that when the time comes. Pardon me, I did agree with one Liberal Policy which was the Medical Assistance in Dying or as some call it Doctor Assisted Death. We do have a choice when we become terminally ill to leave the world on our own terms and not being stuck in a Convalescent, Hospice, Palliative Care, Hospital or some other Medical Facility pumped full of Morphine waiting to take our last breath while some Medical Professional tells the family we're making them feel comfortable fully knowing the person pumped full of Morphine no longer can comprehend which side is up or down.
  10. We got enough of our own problems with our own dictator Justin Trudeau.
  11. When one enters a war, they should have their own weapons to fight with instead of depending upon the charity of others to supply the needs to fight it. Everyone knows that Ukraine will never ever have the ability to pay back their debt to other nations of what's owed. The taxpayers of other nations get stuck footing the bill for the whole 9 yards. When that bill comes due every taxpayer of each nation will have to dig deeper to repay back for all the Governments misspending. No one comes out a winner.
  12. I am going to tell you this once and once only. There are ways to address people comments without affording the expletive cursing towards others. Read at your own risk or not, you ever call me a fucking idiot again and it will be your last post you'll ever make on Cam Caps.
  13. Since when are Laws every followed to order. Ted Cruz may need a vacation to Cancun to think it out.
  14. Those states have the same options. Every American is afforded to protect themselves and their property. It's open season tough guy.
  15. It's time for NATO to tell the Ukrainians learn to stand on their own 2 feet. The whole world is fucked up because of them.
  16. We'd just place them on life rafts and send them into shark infested waters.
  17. The minute they step onto her property they could possibly get shot then the blood is on Greg Abbotts hands.
  18. Just one less disease she has to worry about contracting.
  19. She's not missing much. She knows how to look after herself.
  20. Nothing wrong with spitters. The outcome is still the same in the end.
  21. 70% of the guys on RLC are bad lovers, it's not just one person.
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