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Everything posted by StnCld316

  1. Leora has to be extremely quiet, if she wakes numb nuts he'll be up and on his computer the rest of the night.
  2. Apartment Topic for Jane & Andy. Note: We don't allow Camarads Uploads to Public Boards on Cam Caps.
  3. Everyone standing in line waiting. No pushing or shoving now and don't spend your $5.95 all in one place.
  4. And then when he did shut it down he blamed the Democrats for it. That's typical for Trump. Pats himself on the back when accolades are given and blames others when he fails.
  5. Usually most landlords collect a security deposit. Tenants are usually covered for a month or two. I never have to worry about my rent as it's direct deposited to the landlord on the 1st of each month. I got a nice 1 bedroom apartment approximately 1700 sq. ft. all utilities included for $149 per month. The only way they'll get me out of the apartment is zipped up in a body bag.
  6. Get ready for the orange Jumpsuit that reads Department of Corrections. You're going down this time Donny boy. Bubba is waiting for you.
  7. Only if you make $400,000 or more. You should be safe. Strange that a majority of the US States want to protect the unborn from abortions but don't seem to care when children are in school against gun toting killers.
  8. By the time you go through the eviction process they've already stayed 3 to 4 months for free.
  9. The only time Leora is motivated is when she has her legs open.
  10. He has more love for the computer than the woman he lives with.
  11. Trump was in a bad mood and experienced ‘real withdrawal’ after being barred from Twitter, says filmmaker who was with him at the time WWW.MSN.COM Trump, known for tweeting regularly throughout his presidency, was banned from the platform after his supporters rioted at the Capitol in... He'll likely implode if Truth Social ever went bankrupt.
  12. Takes Paul 2 or 3 days to rejuvenate. His libido isn't that high to go on a daily basis.
  13. That's the only thing he's good at is feeding his face.
  14. Send Kyle Rittenhouse there. Tell him it's open season on squatters.
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