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Everything posted by StnCld316

  1. The only thing one can catch from a dirty bedsheet is scabies or crotch crickets.
  2. That would be easy on the eyes. Many would crawl over 1,000 miles of broken glass just to eat the corn from her shit.
  3. Another great country artist gone.
  4. Tie him to the bed naked then walk away out of the apartment, call 9-1-1 and give the medics a laugh.
  5. Give it a week or less before Masha's next meltdown.
  6. Can still see Kikos head stuck frozen on the LR cam.
  7. That's one thing Elvis lacks is a big dick. He just doesn't fit the bill in that department.
  8. Just read the sign on her door. Chlamydia Begins Here!
  9. Another bitch that needs her head read.
  10. He's always been known as Elvis that's what he goes by.
  11. We don't use real names in the forum anyways so it's best just to go with what's been given or handed to them along the way.
  12. When I seen the bickering about age the bingo scene of that movie came to mind.
  13. Enough guys. You'll both get lots of time later on in life to play whack-a-mole at the senior citizens bingo. My Girl Bingo Scene.mp4
  14. Experts. In my neck of the woods we call experts a f*****g know it all.
  15. You had to get it or you would not have been able to make a post.
  16. She better wake up numb nuts. He's missing out on a meal.
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