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Everything posted by p4design

  1. Not being able to translate anything they've said to each other, I can't know this for sure, but it has been my suspicion.
  2. I agree with almost everything you've said, but sometimes heterosexual women have positive sexual experiences with other heterosexual women. I've always thought Leora was strictly Heterosexual. So it made it even more intriguing for me when she and Malia first Masturbated together that one drunken night and then ultimately masturbated each other a few times. She really seemed to be into it the times it happened. The hope was that it would lead to further exploration. So for me it is very disappointing that it all seems to have come to an end.
  3. Even then, Leora stopped after only a few minutes. Malia never had a chance to get into it and she certainly didn't reach orgasm. It was rather disappointing.
  4. It's been so long since a massage has lead to anything substantial, I'm beginning to think it will never happen again. I hope I'm wrong, but they're not giving me much hope.
  5. Another irrelevant post. Keep the streak alive why don't you.
  6. We get it, you don't like the word pseudo. Who Cares. Your posts have become pseudo relevant.
  7. Fuck the Urban Dictionary. Look up the word psuedo in a real dictionary; "false, pretended, artificial, fake, phoney or phony.....".
  8. - Who ever said that the queen HAS HAD to fake anything? Alladino, among others - Who ever said that she may have taught M anything? Again, Alladino, among others. -Who ever said at any time that M is - masturbating?!? If she's not attempting to masturbate, what is she doing? As with any other form of for profit entertainment, it is viable to criticize RLC when someone feels they are not getting their moneys worth.
  9. You tell me not to say anything bad. I don't see why. So, please, do answer the question.
  10. I disagree. Leora was never fake prior to Malia's arrival. And to this day, I don't think she has faked a solo masturbation. What she has had to fake since Malia's arrival, is the pseudo lesbian stuff. She may have taught that to Malia. But this fake masturbation nonsense is all Malia.
  11. In truth, I think Malia has a low sex drive, and these displays are her attempts to emulate someone with an actual libido; almost like a psychopath trying to emulate empathy.
  12. Yes, but the thing that drew me to RLC was authenticity. At the very least, I have been able suspend disbelief. But here, there is nothing authentic about this display from Malia. The few times that she and Leora actually masturbated each other, she seemed to be really into it. But this, I'm sorry to say, is nonsense.
  13. Perhaps things got lost in translation, but I could have sworn that's what you were saying. I do agree, though, that on the phone and updating social status every 5 minutes would make falling in love someone very difficult.
  14. All three, "loyalty, hope, and expectation". Some, Like raul399, have apparently fallen in love, which I imagine would make it hard to abandon someone, even if you've never met them. I'm at a lost as to how that happens, but there it is.
  15. She used to masturbate virtually every freakin' day. To think they weren't authentic, she would have had to have been some sort of masochist.
  16. I actually did cancel my subscription, but a month later I decided to give it one last try. And you are exactly right, for me at least, the two or three days out of the month when something interesting happens is just not enough
  17. Paul showing up at the apartment will literally do nothing to renew my interest.
  18. The guy has been described as a friend of both ladies. Regardless, my point wasn't about the reason for the guy being there. I was simply elaborating on the fact that nothing of interest happens in this apartment any longer. I have been patient. That patience has been exhausted. The most exciting thing to happen in the past month or more was Malia masturbating with a lollipop. It was a welcome departure from her normal fake masturbation sessions, but not enough to renew my interest. What do you think is going to happen in September that will make me want to stick around?
  19. This apartment was my sole reason for subscribing to RLC, but of late there is virtually nothing of interest going on here. Leora disappears every weekend, leaving Malia to sit around all day. Every now and then some guy shows up for Malia to ignore for a day or two until he leaves. When Leora comes back, they both just sit around all day, occasionally and inexplicably petting each other for no apparent reason. It's not even remotely interesting. What made it interesting initially was the hope that these silly petting sessions would lead to something more, but at this point it seems they have gone as far as they are willing to and these petting sessions have become painfully tedious and redundant. I have become disillusioned.
  20. I'd say Congress is the dark side, since they're ones that enacted the law. And while the DMCA is not an entity in itself, there are agents that are enlisted to help clients enforce the law. I believe RLC enlists such agents. Perhaps you could think of them as Storm Troopers from the Dark Side. I'm not really a Star Wars fan, so don't murder me if I'm a little off base with my analogy.
  21. Thanks. I think it happened even earlier. When you first posted this I went back to August 6th and couldn't find it. Nevertheless, nice post. Thanks.
  22. I never really answered our point about Olya reporting the incident to the police. In the U.S. 3 out of 4 sex assaults are not reported to the police. Those statistics could possibly be even worse worldwide. It doesn't mean there wasn't a sex assault. I watched it as it happened. For me it she was clearly forced. We differ in opinion. I used the word 'your' in the plural, meaning the cumulative reasoning of those who view the incident differently than me and many others on this forum. Some, in my view, have made it clear in there reasoning that they are misogynists. I should not have lumped you all together. Your statement, though I ardently disagree with it, I don't believe rises to the level of misogyny. You have my apologies
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