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Everything posted by charliefoxx69

  1. So, Amira and Karina have a freaky side that they will obviously allow to be seen. Quite the "show". Who knew? Jenn allowing the girls to grind on and later fondle Frank was interesting because he could not respond. Over indulgence of whatever they were consuming. If you had told me that this swaray would turn like this after Sera left I wouldn't have believed it. It would be a little much to think this would be a pattern for B1/B3 if so Merry Christmas to all. If not, well it was nice for one night. Brew some coffee and let the clean up begin.
  2. Damn, I stopped to watch a movie and come back to Amira and Karina grinding on Frank WTH?
  3. Has to be for some party supplies? You don't bale on your own party.
  4. Frank and Jenn the we have sex under the covers, because we don't want you to see we are having sex under the covers. They fit right in here in B1.
  5. Me. Daisy has been in the kitchen for a couple hours now. Sandra preparing to leave.
  6. Another wine glass broken. Do they not believe in plastics for these type parties? No cleaning involved.
  7. You know you have a bad habit of stating the obvious. 😁
  8. Okay. It's amazing almost 4 olclock and no cleaning of the apt. has commenced yet, it's always so mesmerizing. 😭😅
  9. I agree Nagachilli2. So here in B1 we get "Girls on the Sofa". These are the more attractive girls of the B's and I think in a way we are programmed to expect more. I like you will take what I can get. If we get more will just count ourselves lucky and surprised.
  10. Riddle me this, what's with the candles on the floor in Sera's bedroom all around the bed ? Exorcism pending??😃😆
  11. We need to take up a collection and get her a larger smart phone for Christmas. 😁
  12. She has not physically jumped in yet right..? It seems she wants little to so with this...
  13. Nagachilli2 you know I am right about Karina's ears sir. Cute girl yes but elf like ears. IMO...
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