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Everything posted by charliefoxx69

  1. Ok, So I have to ask this question ? Why the hell does "The Alluring Amira" have her own bedroom ? I am I the only one who thinks these sleeping arrangement's are really strange ? Could it be she just needs a closet forher clothes ? RLC should have just put them both in the same room and bring another girl to hang with "TheNew B-1 NUN". T-Rider I asked that a few days ago. How and why did they put these two together ? They moved them both into B4 just to move them out again. Having a vanilla apartment is not really a good thing.
  2. I have never in my life seen a woman wash her hair in the tub with a full robe on. Incredible. She really doesn't belong in a place where all is on camera. Sad..truly just sad.
  3. This is a sheet from Amira's room they slept together and apparently it got stained. She is strange to iron it but she does have OCD. I am not a doctor, but play one here. Her actions are all compatible with someone who suffers from this. That's why the constant cleaning, ironing a sheet, mopping a floor she just mopped the day before...
  4. This is what Sera wanted. An apartment and roommates that do exactly what she dictates. Nothing to see here. Unless you include that hot action on the sofa right now!!
  5. Why are you offended that they do what is in the companies best interest. You are wrong to say I am pointing out the obvious. Alice from B2 or Leona from B3 they were directed to? Come on Johnny let it go it is over. No one is keeping score here but you.
  6. I thinks she wants and needs their friendship and maybe a little intimacy but not on a grand scale. Does that make sense? Wow Cheesy One. That is the most coherent thing you have ever said. I am proud of you. See there is some heart in you after all. She was digging Anita because they're closer in age and no one can say no to Anita's charm. But I always think about the next day. You see Salma got a quick lesson and as did Dalia and would not join in with L&S. But Oksi was down with it.
  7. So by your logic Miranda and Deborah staying out almost every night was directed by RLC. Bravo.
  8. That is all you want right Cheesy? Dalia who you gave to Bud to go back to her B2 form. Not the more open girl you see nkw.
  9. By the looks of the things this little one is not shy. Oksi has not spent her usual time by herself. A night with Salma, hanging with Dalia, all night with L&S now she is with Daisy....someone told me she would be the new Anita but I didn't believe them.
  10. She told little man in English that she has a friend in town that she is spending time with, she embarrassed him by saying "I told you were I was last night but maybe you were to drunk to remember."
  11. Do you find it odd that Oksi the loner has turned into Oksi the social butterfly in B4?
  12. Gotta love the way Sera drys herself in the hallway after her shower to avoid cameras.
  13. Yes. Naga. These guys don't realize they don't need them to enjoy themselves. They're a hood ornament on a Cadillac.
  14. Irma best wishes and thank you. You are very unique and will be missed. The calm in the midst of the storm, a true friend to those who know you. Safe travels... Beijos Mi Amor
  15. They have parked themselves in the LR and are not going anywhere. Oksi could have asked them to leave but she isn't too concerned about that.
  16. Just because a girl dances sexy. Does not mean she wants to have sex. Some dudes don't get it. They think it's an invitation to do something else.
  17. Why fake the funk Oksi and just take these dudes back to your room and get it on like last night. They know they are gonna get some from you and Lily that's why they came back.
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