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Everything posted by charliefoxx69

  1. So Sera,returns to strip the sheet off bed or just straighten?
  2. True sir. I like curves. A girl with nice hips, something to hold onto. But personality is key too.
  3. Naga my friend she is right out of central casting for Santa and his Elves. Forget the reins Santa can just hold on to her ears. Sera, Amira the hot mess Salma and Sandra are tops for me.
  4. Salma enjoyed herself last night, even though parts of what happened she can't remember. 🙄🙄🤔
  5. News flash Amira and Sera both wake up in their own beds neither strips of the sheet to wash it. Amazing development. 😁😁😁
  6. Did not see this coming. Whoa. Nice surprise from B1 girls. Amira wearing Sera's body suit.
  7. I will not speak to this again. Will officially file it under "Whatever floats your boat". Watching Amira make the bed does have it's upside though. Just saying.
  8. Amira making her bed. They will sleep there again tonight. Can't have one wrinkle in the mattress cover.. Time to iron the sheet..really??
  9. Please do not misunderstand. Clean is a good thing. But they,(Sera)especially is ridiculous with it.
  10. Ha!!!! True..very true. What happens if she just takes a nap on a clean sheet? Watching these two give the apt the white glove treatment is just weird. Cleaning in Lingeree (misspelled) on purpose kinda sexy.
  11. Again, Sera washing the sheet first thing today. You may be absolutely right on that. Who does That?
  12. Undercover bate by Sera interrupted by Amira. She stopped and got up. She has to live up to her billing of "Ice Princess". IMO Something that beautiful should be touched everyday. We will never see it.
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