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Everything posted by charliefoxx69

  1. ^okay. I did not see that I was up late watching new of the death of US 41 GHW Bush.
  2. Amira will not give us much, I am afraid. But now that she has met Dalia maybe that will change. (crosses fingers)
  3. I wouldn't believe it if I had not seen it with my own two eyes. This is a result of the spat between Sandra and Lily.
  4. So you contracted these tasks out. Smart. You can spend more time keeping an eye on these girls. 😁😁😁
  5. Did she blow a kiss to the camera like Karla when she left, I saw her ready to go but missed her actual exit?
  6. Noldus..sir. I see you haven't made it to B4 to do any pool maintenance. At least you could do is use the cover If you weren't coming back right away. 😁
  7. So Long Tina, best to you. I know you enjoyed most of your time in B4. Safe travels and good luck.
  8. It's been said and I have known it to be true more and more. What is done in the dark always, always, comes to light.
  9. Trump has other issues. Comparmat with Russia before his election was just proven after being suspected for some time now.. Easy to excuse not meeting Putin @ G20 and say it's Ukraine.
  10. Lily and Sandra arguing. Lily purposely trying to upset her. She changed the thermostat while Sandra is trying to finish her workout. Then Lily sat on the bed to use the hairdryer which she never does, knowing it would miss her off and Sandra told her about it. True love 🙂
  11. Ironically, those who have seen me post here know that as beautiful as you think Dalia is that is how I feel about Sandra. Yes, she and Lily are silly at times but there is something special about her. I love her smile, her laugh, her clumsy ways, not to mention her curves, to me Sandra is beautiful. Watching her is a delight.
  12. Anita is very aggressive. If it were not for her influence, like it or not, we would not have had the mash up we saw last night. She likes to mix it up like this. Add a new girl that's another log on the fire for her.
  13. I was unaware of her status, but you're right. But she was at B4 prior to this stay some time ago right?
  14. What makes you think that she wasn't like this all along? We don't know her? She was very modest at first as had been mentioned here, but she has opened up greatly. She even tried to get Alice to come out of her shell. You saw more of that from her at B1 with Danaya. So, Cheesy you give up on her because she participated in this one night with the others, but if she got with Amina you had no problem with that. In fact, You were cheering for that. It's one night, let her get her bearings. Maybe, she is just showing you how open she is. She has been sitting around B1 doing nothing for 2 weeks. Bottom line, cut her some slack. Karol. Karol went home but hurt Amina. Whatever you think of her she didn't deserve that. She should have said something to her after her BF's first visit not go to B1 and sleep with her again. Amina is Amina, they were good together while it lasted. You don't see that here often. I know you won't agree with me on this but Dalia is her own person and she is gonna do whatever she wants.
  15. So after a romantic evening the night before Jane sleeps in the guest room for the first part of the night last night.
  16. Best wishes Ms. Dalia. You will be missed by many. Safe travels..
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