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Everything posted by Alladino

  1. I would like to see Stella again in the project. She is a lot of fun to watch. ๐Ÿ˜€
  2. At least I didn't remember her. Well, if she was more involved in the past, she's really remarkably reserved with this stay. Maybe it is the influence of Milena, I do not know. Has she ever brought one of her male acquaintances or even a BF into the apartment?
  3. I think you can write off Milena and Monica. They are show girls and would never do anything serious in this apartment.
  4. But a wooden floor in a bathroom may actually not be the best idea. A little more attention in planning and the whole thing would not have become a difficulty.
  5. Sure, all guys are monsters and the girls are all innocent. The girls would never like to party or to have sex. WTF?!? If holly had regretted anything from last week, she certainly wouldn't have repeated it. Please understand, she had fun and that also do not make her a slut! They both liked to have sex and they may even do it again. Sorry, You just can't stand that the girls were having fun. I see that. Only, that doesn't mean it's okay to badmouth this people. On the contrary, we should be thankful that we finally have some life in this house.
  6. Like I said, most girls aren't into girls. They like boys. Without Boys in the Apartment, they would just to the minium needed and go outside to actually have fun. How many of these uninvolved massage Events or pseudo lesbian show does it take until you realize the difference? Even the twins had fun yesterday and didn't leave around midnight.The Twins had fun and they didn't act like robots (at least for some part of the party).
  7. That's for sure, this party wasn't very realistic. I never said it was. All I'm saying is it was better, because the girls actually had fun. I think we should end the discussion for today. There is nothing new.
  8. Yeah, could've happened, and I also think Holly would've not liked it. But that's exactly what can happen on a Party. That is actually real life, because not every time a girl is into a guy she has luck (or not every time a guy is into a Girl he has luck). That is real life and please don't tell me that you've never been to a party where not at least one guy had tried it with more than one girl. Also very normal. Once again, the most important thing is that the girls really had fun. It wasn't like so often, just a show they had to perform. Did you at least notice that difference?
  9. Yeah, but he ended up with Holly. Again and Several times. ๐Ÿ˜ I do not see the issue. BTW, the solution is simple. The next time they could simply invite more guys so that the imbalance is not so great. The best parties are always those with almost balanced gender ratio.
  10. Take a look at this event in the bathroom and watch Holly facial expressions. She really likes this guy. It doesn't have to be love for life, but certainly affection. RLC Replay REPLAY.REALLIFECAM.COM Watch your favorite cams in 24-hour recording
  11. Who told you sexual attraction always meant a relationship with deep feelings? That's just not the case. The important thing is, however, that both Alla and Holly obviously have a thing for the guys they had sex with. I guess The guy with Alla even seems to be her actual BF.
  12. No, and that's something you've strangely still not understood. I liked that the girls really had fun, whether with sex or without. It's similar to parties in the no longer existing couple apartments. There was also not always sex and despite that the people had fun and I found fun to watch. Sure, the Party in GOV could have been more realistic and, as I said, would have liked to see more guests, but at least it is a good start. Something RLC can build on. ๐Ÿ˜€
  13. Yeah, GOV really needs more guys. But you can see the positive development. Last time there were only two, this time they had already three guests. ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ˜€
  14. I guessed Milena wouldn't do anything. She has a BF and even when he was visiting he didn't make it into the apartment. I think RLC should only invite girls with BF at home as a couple in GOV. Also for Monica I had suspected that she probably won't do anything. But here I was not sure, because last time she really liked the other guy. Shouldn't have been, this can happen. I was surprised by the twins this time. They really had a good time this party. No sex, but at least I really got into the party.
  15. Everything in RLC will certainly be conpensiert in some form. The girls get money and so probably also the guys. Where is the problem? What I find so sad about your point of view is that you don't seem to be interested in what the girls enjoy. Most girls are into guys. BTW, Did you notice that only two girls had sex yesterday? That one girl was alla, with her most likely BF. The other Girl was Holly, with a guy she's obviously interested in. Sure, similar to Sara it most likely won't be a long term relationship, but now pretending that they weren't interested in the sex is really wrong and just did it for the money is wrong. I agree with you on one point, this party was essentially also a show. A lot of things only happened because cameras were present. But at the same time you should also realize that the girls really had fun this time. A lot of what usually happens in GOV is just something they do only for the camera, it is work. This time, they had fun and even the twins were actually involved. So, Maybe you should overcome your jealousy and just enjoy to see people actually have fun.
  16. I'm just glad something's finally happening in this apartment that doesn't look like work. It is nice to see the girls have fun. ๐Ÿ‘ ๐Ÿ˜€
  17. That is why w wrote: "It's arguable how realistic the party was". It was like a Show, but now with the girls actually had some fun. Realistic, not really, but at least with real emotions and some real participation.
  18. @HarleyFatboy posted: No, it wasn't like that, and if you'd seen the event, you'd have known. In fact, similar to Sara and Stella with two of the guys (each an individual couple), Holly now is with one of the guys (again just the same one guy and no mixing). You could even see how she was defending him against Loraine. I guess, the whole thing's more like a vacation relationship among work colleagues. ๐Ÿ˜ Alla and her guy are clearly in a relationship. The third guy again went home without any sex. It's arguable how realistic the party was, but compared to the events so far, the guys bring a definite improvement. You could see that all the residents really had fun. Even the twins finally woke up.
  19. Is that all sloshed over water or is there really something leaking there? Okay, I guess that explains it. ๐Ÿ˜
  20. Not just on the living room table. Today the entire villa is in good use. ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ‘
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