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Everything posted by sturmchaser

  1. The poor guy only owns three t-shirts and two pair of sweatpants. He is in serious need of clothing donations!
  2. No I think it got its annual washing last week. Good for another year!
  3. Sometimes she has both pierced, sometimes only one, sometimes she has both out for whatever reason. Re-piercing apparently requires a bandage, which makes sense. Doesn't matter to me, I love those little perkies any way they are.
  4. Paint by numbers tonight? A fun activity for two! Unfortunately on mute, the birds make my speakers explode. 😒
  5. oh I see what you mean now, the images, yes I see the same thing, and the post was edited. I doubt it was anything truly important.
  6. So the piano is now in the pool room, does this mean Kira can now assemble her drum set in the workroom, I hope? And after moving the Christmas tree, we can finally see the lovebirds painting again. Plus the floors are so shiny! They must have done some serious polishing earlier! Also, I caught Lex not wearing his suit of armor. It must be getting its annual wash. 😆
  7. Now we just need Rejolda to come home from "vacation" and the world will be set right again. 😄
  8. Thank God! It's about time! Welcome home, cutie pie, we really really missed you! 🥰
  9. Just wait till I grow up you blond bastards, I'll SMACK both yo asses first, and then I'll train you softpaws how to catch a muthaf*ckin bird!! Cuz ya'll is... wait, was that a feather toy? *POUNCE!*
  10. Same here, chow mein, let's hope Reggie comes home soon.
  11. I hope she cusses us out in Russian. She's so damn sexy when she does that. Can't understand a word she says, but I smile. The perfect girlfriend LOL
  12. Rejolda, coming back from "vacation" and reading CCF - "VAT da fook eez RONG wit yu peeples, talking batrooms an fiyure tings an chimleys an tanks an var! I never on vacasion again if dis how you akt! Bad boys!" 😆
  13. Tanks, and the aeroplanes, won ALL the wars. General George S. Patton! 🤠
  14. I'll never understand why people who have been devastated by a natural disaster once or even twice choose to continue living and/or rebuilding in the same cursed place, well knowing that it will happen again, sooner rather than later. MOVE people, MOVE!
  15. Nice, I approve. Expensive at first, but in the long run it clearly pays for itself, especially in a place like FLA. While we don't get extreme weather here in Virginia, I still built my log home with reinforced concrete, and the exterior is true whole log, not a facade. A .50 caliber could not penetrate my walls. I might have trouble with a tank shell, though.
  16. What the hell do you want, Kid? You've been bitching like a lil bitch about no action for months, and now we have some hot action, in a HOT TUB at that, and now you say it's not "romantic"??? Da fuq is wrong with you? Make up your mind!!
  17. This is getting out of hand LOL. REGGIE! Please come home soon so we can get back to talking about YOU and your sweet little body and your funny little antics and your practicing English and your rambling Russian soliloquies and your pillow-lovemaking and ESPECIALLY spending quality time with your BFF Miss KristyKrabs! We miss you!! 😁🥰😍
  18. Yep, I've got a pellet stove in the offset from the living & dining room, and if I'm not careful, when that bitch gets going, I need to open the doors and winders in the middle of January just to cool off.
  19. Cellars or even simple basements are rare these days. I designed my basement to span the entire length of the main floor. I was going to install a large wine refrigerator but discovered the temperature rarely goes above 60 F year round, perfect for cellaring reds, so I only had to buy a smaller one for the whites and bubbly (which I prefer around 45-50 F). I also have an unfinished cubby out in my garage which serves as a "root cellar" where I store potatoes, onions, beets, leeks, turnips, etc, and they last for weeks or even months before turning. Less refrigeration is a good thing LOL.
  20. She is proving to be a great mediator, and an asset to the girls' relationship. 🤝
  21. One lucky kitten! 🐱 And also very clearly a male, as most of his focus is usually
  22. Reggie is going to come back from "vacation" in a few days and read all of this discussion about bathrooms and be like - "WTF eez rong wit joo peeapules?" LOL! I hope she cusses us out in her Engrish. 🤩
  23. Same in the USA. Sneaks and sharks. But there are legitimate and reputable builders out there. I built most of my compound myself, but contracted the professionals for the heavy stuff, like plumbing and electrical and such lol
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