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Everything posted by misterme

  1. They've gone at last Kristy head in hands (briefly)
  2. well, it does not make me want to take up drinking again, is Cleo's new friend as sober as he sounds?
  3. I suggest they get shot of these blokes it seems to be getting complicated what does he want Ag to write down?
  4. Cleo can hardly stand or speak and getting ready to go???!!
  5. does bodybuilder want one of the girls or is it a game?
  6. these blokes def not shy around girls
  7. oops ... please don't speak about ... mmmm 🤔
  8. I think Frank Zappa's hair may be unbalancing him on the strongman lifting.🤡
  9. That is what I was thinking! What do people expect: instant juggling show? If so, unlucky, that was a little earlier this evening at B2. 😉
  10. Tall blond with low low voice? If so, it's Svetlana who cleans and putting in some extra time for "security" following intruder event. Very warm welcome to you, btw, my friend. 🌞
  11. First drama for new apt drone has got stuck in the hall and oscillating madly but unable to move on ... 🤡 RLC Replay REPLAY.REALLIFECAM.COM Watch your favorite cams in 24-hour recording
  12. Thanks I thought it might be because I could not find it 😏 in the meantime I would like to extend a very warm welcome to Katie and Adam's drone vacuum cleaner which is providing first activity in the apt 🤣 (as far as I can see)
  13. Holly and Tweety's online English cancelled or postponed at the last minute by the looks of it.🤔 RLC Replay REPLAY.REALLIFECAM.COM Watch your favorite cams in 24-hour recording
  14. Tweety solo english lesson at the moment I think has just been discussing general situation with tutor ...
  15. This has puzzled me for a while: why is Holly & Twitty's mike on 2.1 so hissy (white noise effect)? To be fair Holly and Loraine tend to speak v softly in English class (Loraine doing this now) so sound has to be turned up but in any case seems much more hissy than the others in this suite?
  16. Yes I remember initially she looked like a different person to me, I happened to see her enter the door then made the Holly connection, imho that was not her natural build. She it still quite young as I understand so is likely to change as time goes on, if you are reading this Holly you look 100% perfect. The skinny model look is not a desirable goal.
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