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Everything posted by misterme

  1. yes it is good system to keep running this long there must be fair amount of hardware and cams and we can still see some of them
  2. I meant cams still working! But infrared struggling in general I would say ...
  3. RLC Replay REPLAY.REALLIFECAM.COM Watch your favorite cams in 24-hour recording Radi then 2 mins later Fior
  4. afaik we have never been told formally: he is ex of Fiora (brilliantly named as Fior) and reappeared in The Villa when Bogdan still living here last year, since then has done some jobs associated with RLC; delivered supplies of cleaning goods etc to the apts, drove girls on summer days out last year; turned up to help out at the intrusion incident last week; also joins social events from time to time. Memorably dressed as a Viking at one Villa party/event. Helps with BBQs for pool days etc.
  5. Hols & Lors speaking English (course work) "he is sleeping on the chair" etc 😸
  6. I cannot watch whichever apt he is intruding ... now his behaviour, just who does it remind me of, errr, em ... oh yes the lovely Bruno who was allowed to squat in B4 then got his own place. If anything this fellow seems more creepy than Bruno which is saying something?👹
  7. Kristy-Alana: possibly one entity Kralana?😏
  8. Mmmmm - is Karol miming how to do a Covid test? 🤔
  9. Good view of Svet reclining on bed Cam 1-6 now, ideal opportunity for her first show while the place is quiet???!!! 🤪
  10. RLC Replay REPLAY.REALLIFECAM.COM Watch your favorite cams in 24-hour recording Intriguing ritual (?) from Cleo? 🤔
  11. RLC Replay REPLAY.REALLIFECAM.COM Watch your favorite cams in 24-hour recording Holly watching cartoon with new friends 😸😸
  12. I don't recall ever seeing Kool Karol interacting with Alejandro seemed to be more of a toy boy for Twins and Nono ...🦕
  13. He has "moved on" pretty quickly from Lia and Mia - what twins?🤪
  14. Lucky dinosaur looks happy enough has he been introduced yet? 😉
  15. Could be. Some cards looked like Truco cards. Yes thanks I didn't know about them you are probably right - I was in fact looking for the incense thing does anybody know was it in the first hour she came in I couldn't find it?
  16. RLC Replay REPLAY.REALLIFECAM.COM Watch your favorite cams in 24-hour recording ... and Tarot?
  17. Truth is we well never know where she is in her mind unless she tells us but from what I have seen she is engaging well in B4 and seems happy to join in when it suits her ... I wonder if her natural state, as it were, is more noticeable as she is now more of a lone player than part of a double act (eg Megan, Tweety, Mash). TBH that suits me as I find her very watchable and we know she has plans. I don't know her age but she is maturing beautifully as time goes on imo ... and I agree with earlier comment how good to have somebody of this nature in reality situation, very rare.
  18. Cleo's 2nd attempt to make fresh coffee, used wrong type of coffee for the first attempt - omelette success tho I think.🍽️
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