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Everything posted by misterme

  1. I can never tell whether she is being confrontational or bantering, seems pretty assertive either way 😆 have to say strikes me as a most odd combination of people at this gathering not sure if they will make the effort to get on with others or will end in tears 🤡
  2. Is this the actual party in the kitchen or are we waiting for it to start? 🤣
  3. I didn't know anything about this fellow but he sounds entirely undesirable from what I have read this evening (about as impressive and unpleasant as Gina's waste-of-space moron). Who on earth thought it was a good idea to invite him to The Villa party for heaven's sake?
  4. yes twins masked around Nana who has mask on her chin but usual upbeat atmosphere around these 3 now awaiting results of tests I guess (Pam also masked)🤫
  5. We all remember that moronic, nasty waste-of-space when he used to live in The Villa surreptitiously (hard to spell, it turns out), as some sort of stowaway so RLC pls beware of re-housing Gina as he may well use it as a way to worm his way back into RLC. Would respectfully suggest (PLEASE) that he is banned from coming anywhere near RLC premises ... if all else fails he could surely become an Olympic-standard smartphone thrower but he would need some poor girl to throw it at of course ... 🤡 Until today, I have heard nothing of RLC goings-on since my subs finished last month so thanks to all for the comments on the Gina/Bruno saga; among other things I'd had enough of the seemingly never ending trout-pouts arriving and was glad of a break. Imagine my surprise 😉 when Gina/Bruno busted, Nana/Holly swapped (?); cheery wall-punching Timur gone ... so all in all not missed much 😊 Also, caught a glimpse of the twins toiling over some unfathomably healthy concoction in their kitchen while Nana bathed her feet in a bowl on the floor outside ... so all well at B1 I reckon. 👍 Nice to catch a glimpse of Holly looking radiant in B4 kitchen as well ...
  6. yes quite possibly but I think at first, Viv slept with Pam at B1 but when Nana came on the scene to some people's surprise it was Nan who joined Pam in bed and Viv downstairs, it was never explained but may well have coincided with later pregnancy news, it is a small point but was noticed at the time, we are talking about early days of Viv who preceded Nana, later of course everything changed
  7. I heard a conversation in English a while ago stating clearly that both Viv and Nana knew Pam before joining RLC tho they did not know each other, that is what was said and may explain why Nana used to sleep in Pam's bed rather than Viv when they visited B1 in the good old days ... ie they both knew Pam so either could share with her.
  8. Imo B4 comes across as something of a motley crew since the dissolution to B1, highlight of B4 now seems to be dear Holly who doesn't even live there, Dani coming across as an Alpha (see the way she summoned Nana thru the ceiling earlier) and her little supporter friend (an unknown quantity); not sure how long Nana will be there but depends if she has something better to do I think. B1 settling into new comfortable routine but Karol in danger of metamorphosing into twin number 3 I fear by the process of osmosis 😉
  9. now 4 girls on Dani's bed surprised Fior hasn't joined them there 😉
  10. Holly slept in suite last night she is in Dani's room now tho chatting
  11. Holly now joined Dani lying in her bed wearing scary facemask and whispering🤔
  12. Imagine taking Nana to see a movie which she finds funny and her trademark laugh ... 🤣
  13. Unless I am mistaken Radi listening to every word of the discussion whilst demolishing an entire lettuce ...
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