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Everything posted by misterme

  1. Early on this time, I heard phone call/s (not sure) with Lia and b/f where she was finding him too intense about something and felt he was over-reacting to thing that happened between them ... she told him that she felt it could be bad sign if he was reacting to thing at this stage, what would it be like if something more serious/disagreement was to happen in the future, she was very clear to him about this as I recall but he seemed to be wriggling about on it. For the record should say I was completely under-impressed with him as a person, tho initially pleased to have English spoken he came across to me as somewhat precious (for want of a better word) and it seemed to me he expected the twins to hang on his every word and sentence, ie expected conversations etc to revolve around him. This is impression based on what I saw and heard but I then avoided the b/f and twin/twins together as I found his ego was getting in the way (for me). Of course he may be an amazing and learned fellow but I just found him too precious around the twins so good luck if they stuck with him I would pass on it 🤡
  2. Holly is great as she is, she has many interest which she sometimes shares with us on camera, gets on well with other girls and thankfully has avoided trout-pouts etc. She is a natural beauty imo, if anything becoming more so ... 😇
  3. Agreed: no more of the incubus please 🧛‍♂️
  4. But doesn't Gina always come as a double-act or has the parasite attached itself to something else these days?
  5. Holly running through English language age ranges (out loud), impressive, about to start Skype lesson by the looks of it but tutor couldn't hear Holly so she had to put earbuds in 🤔
  6. FYI works ok for me 🤔 (yesterday 11.17)
  7. Holly is painting ... 🌞 RLC Replay REPLAY.REALLIFECAM.COM Watch your favorite cams in 24-hour recording
  8. Thanks all for the clarification, funny thing is even their faces looked similar in infrared in bed last night but (like the B1 twins) I can see they are actually different people in the normal course of events.
  9. Simple question please: is that Kristy up early, dressed in black and was taking exercise in the living room just now? Alana still in bed; or have I got names around the wrong way? 🤔 (Time 0925 cam 1) RLC Replay REPLAY.REALLIFECAM.COM Watch your favorite cams in 24-hour recording
  10. "I think B1 are still in quarantine. Although it doesn't look like it because Mila went to Italy and Twins went shopping today. But When Nana arrived all wore masks." Referring to above comment, yes B1 and visitor now masked once again, as I write ...
  11. One thing we can be sure of that we do not know unless Maks responds to our speculation ... when they started he joined in well and seemed to go along with RLC things in a v easygoing manner imo (maybe a little too willing in retrospect, how to keep that attitude going for the full stay?). Now I understand he stays at home while others socialize but he may need time on his own and has nowhere else to actually go at present? If he is getting stuck in a low state of mind he may need time, that circle of negativity is a real pain to break out of (I am not qualified but "tapping" technique can help for some). I also do wonder if he has simply run out of energy for the RLC routine ie joining in this and that ... you need to be strong a certain kind of person to make that work in my view as we can see from the Nanabot who has proved herself to be incredibly adaptable to changing circumstances.
  12. I do wonder if there is a bug/bugs of some sort circulating around the B's; yesterday 2 people traveled from B1 to B4 so who knows what is next (just speculation of course). B1 still looking pretty out of it imo. 😱
  13. message deleted possible confusion who is doing what with no names😁
  14. Masked and singing NONO back 🤣"pit-stop" for now ...
  15. Not sure how this fits into events but it was on 31st Dec they all put the masks on and did home testing for Covid ...🤔 (excluding Mila who hadn't yet moved in)
  16. I'm in the cheap seats these days so don't get to see much 🤔 but thought Mia looking slimmer when in kitchen earlier, she is the one that has been ill? PS Radi left already can't imagine why she'd "rush off" (by her standards anyway) ... 🤪 Also noted: rather a lot of cleaning going on today tho, at least till Nono departed, ALL of B1 were all keen cleaners by my standards.
  17. Thanks I remember her trying it on for first time (I think) when she met Holly in B1 in early hours, had heard about it and was surprised how little actual dress there was in the dress 😆then they went out of the house at about 2am I think (no time wasted)
  18. Does Nono post all her clips online somewhere secret or just keep them to admire on a rainy day?
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