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Everything posted by Amy3

  1. Love is in the air! Ok, maybe it's in the bathtub.
  2. This is quite true. If there is an audience for her then so be it, who are we to deny her. BUT, like I said VH has a reputation to uphold and consider. I'll say this. In the beginning, the idea of catering to do nothings was obsene to them and they have cancelled apartments based on this alone. Now, that VH is much bigger perhaps they have a stomach for it as long as it's profitable, but the question remains. Who is VH and what does it mean to be on VH? Only VH can decide that.
  3. ....and so here we are again, back to square one! Lisa is the master at her game.
  4. She invited him over and they sleep like children on a sleep over. She gave him nothing. I was hoping that she would at least try the 2nd time. Now if he comes over a 3rd time, rather then thinking the guy might have a chance this time, I'm more likely to lean the other way and assume he's going to get shot down again. It is like the story. She yells wolf and we come running, but then there is no wolf, and we leave. Eventually, people are going to stop running. Simple as that! While there may be enough "non sex" VH viewers to sustain an apt, is that really the reputation that VH wants to have for itself? <million dollar question!!!
  5. It could be just that. Which you know what, is perfectly fine. If she can get enough people watching her without having sex with guys then good for her. This is a view into someones life and we can't expect everyone to want to have sex on cam. That then becomes a matter of what VH is willing to accept as it their reputation that is on the line. I've touched on this in the "do nothings" apt. I will admit that it pertubs me to see her sleeping with guys who clearly want to have sex with her only for her to treat them like they were her brother. I'll just have to learn to avoid that part because I know what it's like for these guys to be treated like that. Quite frankly it sucks! It's like a blow to thier manhood and leaves them pretty much feeling like shit. Yet, she seems to care less about what her behavoir is doing to them. Like I said, if that's the game she likes to play, then I just won't watch that part.
  6. Ever heard of the story of the boy who cried wolf?
  7. Homeless before getting here huh! Where the evidence of that?
  8. Lisa, my dear, what do you want? Spell it out for us. 💗
  9. All those guys and nothing happening is causing Lisa fatigue. Lots of blue balls to go around. She is a very interesting person and I want the best for her, but if she's not giving any of these guys a chance, it's groinally painful to watch. If there is an audiience for seeing a girl shoe off guys, this is the place. Guess that's her chip. It's ok though, she's still interesting to me and I'll still watch.
  10. At my peak, I could rock climb in the 5.13 range, but this a hill I can't climb. Sorry, but it painfully clear to me that Serena is, in fact, loving every second of the sex she she has with George. Like I said, he he is taking advantage of her, but she is doing it willing with the hope of securing a long term relationship with him.
  11. You mean like concrete shoes dissappear? Lol just kidding. 🤔
  12. Have they ever turned in the tv? Does it even work?
  13. I'm very sorry to disappoint you, believe me I am. I have thought about this and I keep coming back to my main problem with criticising George too much. That is, I don't think he is doing anything that Serena doesn't want herself and I don't think he is doing any real harm to her. I will be honest, I don't watch this apt too much because I do think that what goes on here is dark and seedy. I think all of these people here are pretty messed up. I think Serena has a bad motivation for being here too. I will grant you that George is taking advantage of her for his own ends. I don't think he cares too much about her, but they are both getting what they want out of it even if we don't like it. Remember, she can always stop being with him and leave. I really don't think he is trying to manipulate her into having sex with him against her own free will. Again, the fact that she has such enormous orgasms prevents me from thinking that way. She loves being a submissive and she loves sex with George. If you could show me evidence that he is actually threatening her in some way then I'll join you. This was my big issue with Rex and Dana. Rex was actually hurting her and he was threatening her with financial ruin and other physical harm. She didn't appear to have a voice in the matter. That's the difference I see happening here.
  14. Couldn’t someone say the same thing of you toward your judgement of George? I mean unless you can walk in Serena’s and George’s shoes, how can you judge or redicule George?
  15. Aha! I’ll have to try that some time. Most of the time the audio sucks though!
  16. Yes, what Just In said. Even if Alan was trying to get the message through he used physical violence out of anger. As you said, anger over her not taking good care of herself. It was still an unwelcome expression of violence no matter the reason. As for George and Serena, I cannot see him forcing her to do anything that she doesn't want to do. She welcomes his violence towards her. She wants to be dominated by him. This idea that he is using his power to have sex with her is nonsense, she can leave anytime she wants to and go back to her previous life. Plus, even if George is the manager, VH is the top manager and there is no way they would allow him to force her to stay there against her will. Is George an asshole? Probably, but not for the reasons written here. Ultimately, she is not being really hurt so if you don't like it, don't watch it. That's what I do.
  17. Yes, don't get me wrong, I don't care for the rough sex, but they both clearly like it and he is not huring he, at least not yet. Trust me he's holding back. He is capable of much worse. I really do think he has a problem with having normal loving sex, but he reads these comments and he know how it makes him look.
  18. I think he realized it was making him look like a monster. I think he is enjoying the cam life more then he thought he would. Plus, I think Serena is getting to him. Her strategy is working.
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