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Everything posted by Amy3

  1. I know, when I joined a long time ago I really thought this place would be filled with vile creatures of the porn world. Turned out to not be the case. Very impressive bunch of people here, even the ones that don't like me or disagree with me.
  2. Thank you friends! Your support of my position on this matter is truly heartfelt. ❤
  3. Very nicely said Bean1111! I can understand bdsm porn to an extent because it's just fantasy. Sure, the victim is suffering, but it's usually done under strict oversight with medical staff present and with strict guidelines. Most importantly the victim consented in writing and they get to leave the place when it's over. Rex is a actual abuser. Dana is suffering from mental anguish over this and she clearly can't escape it. There is a huge difference.
  4. I created a poll question in this forum regarding Rex. Please respond. Thx!
  5. I created a poll question in this forum regarding Rex. Please respond. Thx!
  6. I created a poll question in this forum regarding Rex. Please respond. Thx!
  7. I created a poll question in this forum regarding Rex. Please respond. Thx!
  8. I created a poll question in this forum regarding Rex. Please respond. Thx!
  9. I created a poll question in this forum regarding Rex. Please respond. Thx!
  10. Strikingly familliar, but is a very different way.
  11. Someone mentioned something about the fact that VH can't control what gets spontaneously aired on their site. Here is response to that. Of course there is a risk of something getting aired that shouldn't. BUT, it's incumbent on the site to be honest about it and make the necessary arrangements to ensure that the same mistake doesn't happen again. Once again VH fucks it up by either denying that the offense occurred or making light of it by pretending it's not as bad as it looks. Anybody with half a brain can see that what happened was not role playing. It is clear, unadulterated, abuse. Once again, I wasn't asking for much. I know that VH can't save Dana, but that doesn't mean they should continue to be complicit by allowing further abuse to air on their website. Rex should banned from entering a VH apt. Simple as that. If Anna and Alex don't want to comply, then cut off the cams at the apt and fire them too. I don't understand why this is so hard for people to understand.
  12. Hell yes Golfer well said! VH will ban a cam coverer, but hitting a women gets a pass.
  13. Just so it's clear, what VH is saying is that Dana is perfectly well and this is all just role playing. This is your choice. Do you believe VH or not? If you do then by all means carry on and enjoy your delusion, I mean time, but if you don't what will YOU do about it?
  14. Just so it's perfectly clear to everyone, I am quite simply devastated over this whole thing. I will not fund a site, whom I now believe is complicit with regards to the abuse of another human being. I was once a manager a treatment center for sexually and emotionally disturbed adolescents. This has all of the signs of real abuse. Rex was clearly harming her at time when she clearly was not choosing to be harmed and then continued to issue threats to her until she subdued herself to his whims. He treats he like she is his pet. How some of you can accept this excuse from VH is beyond me. I simply can't and won't do it. I don't believe VH did their due diligence in investigating this situation because I don't believe they want to know the truth. I am very disappointed with the way VH handled this and also the fact that so many of you are willing to accept it. I know quite well my past and the many holes that I have fallen into along the way, but this has caused emotional damage to me and for the sake of all those who are abused and made to feel like it's not that bad or they where just playing, I won't simply let it go. I will continue to be a force to be reckoned with for them.
  15. Thank you for your writing @mic351. It really means a lot to me to read what you have to say. My heart is broken! ☹
  16. Please be quick. I can't wait to hear the lies from Rex and for you to believe him. There is almost nothing in me that is going to believe that this was some kind of role playing.
  17. Think about this too. You're only seeing what he did, not understanding what he was saying to her. It seemed to me that he was threatening her. Like Ash said, if he did this in the USA he'd be arrested for assault. If VH can't at the very least make the decision to ban Rex and do their best to help Dana, then they are culpable. Whether you watch or not, if you're subscribing then you're funding it. Rex is going to do whatever he is going to do to poor Dana, VH shouldn't be broadcasting her physical and mental abuse to world. So, here the fuck I go again damn it. Somebody, pull me back from the brink this time. Sorry, I'm just so upset over this. I'm sorry I have emotions and feel empathy for Dana. I'm really hurting inside over this. ?
  18. We have to watch document his atrocities and hope VH does the right thing.
  19. This is where people like Misc will school us that it's just real life and sex in the dark under blankets is normal. This is VV! Hiding like that ALL of the time would never have been tolerated.
  20. Please back me up on this guys. ? I am so fucking upset right now. He treats her like an animal.
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