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Everything posted by Amy3

  1. Hi there ! Oh well, thanks for trying anyways. I really do appreciate it and I know that you didn't have to do this. I'm sure it was an interesting conversation trying to explain to someone that a subscriber wanted a bat. That bat represents everything about the great Anna to me. I hope someone cherishes it as much as I would have. Thank again!
  2. Amy3


    Eve is a voyeur too! She always gets the best views.
  3. Amy3


    Yes, they all seem to have a little spring in their steps. Good for them. I just hope they are ready to party down and bring in some fun filled people.
  4. Amy3

    Tula - Split 4

    Yes, I'm curious to know this as well.
  5. Amy3


    Haha! Nasty curse.
  6. Amy3


    Works for me.
  7. Amy3


    OMG, my heart skipped a beat. Don't say that. Kojack doesn't deserve this perfect girl. It'll break my heart.
  8. Amy3


    No doubt about that. When her boobs hang free, it's like I died and went to Heaven. She is perfect in every way that matters bodywise. I just want to know if she can fuck perfectly too.
  9. Amy3


    Fine with me, I'm done with naming tenants for now. But if she stays, she needs a name. What should we call her in the interim? "The Other Girl"? LOL
  10. Amy3


    Yes, I think so too. Seems quite the RLC girl, for sure. I don't mind, but I really hope she has men chasing her.
  11. Amy3


    But what's her name?
  12. Amy3


    Ok, so Mona is the sexy light brown haired girl. What's the other girls name?
  13. Amy3


    For once and for all can we get the names straight. Who is the light brown haired girl and who is the dark brown haired girl?
  14. Amy3


    I hope this girl has boyfriend(s).
  15. Amy3


    Yes, they are fun. Want more!
  16. Amy3


    I totally agree. I thought they were going to finally split up these couples. Some reward for generally poor behavior by us. Guess we shall see what they can do with all that energy they have been saving up.
  17. Amy3


    She really is a gorgeous girl. She has a perfect face for lavish makeup styles.
  18. Thank you kindly for the detailed explanation. I'll so my best to help out the clan when I can.
  19. Thanks for thinking of me and for trying to secure the bat. Let me know if we can work something out. ?
  20. Amy3


    Also, can you change the name of Voro to Volga. I suggest closing Voro and start a new thread for Volga.
  21. Thank you. Jabbath already created one for GreenWood.
  22. Can someone quickly explain to me who the record thing is supposed to work. I know it doesn't currently work, but if it did work, how is it supposed to work? What happens if 5 members hit record at the same time, do 5 videos recording appear? How long does it record after you hit the button? Do you have to stay on the same cam for the recording to keep recording?
  23. Amy3


    Last time I looked at it Lisa looked like her digital image was corrupting. They either need better cams or real people. Lol
  24. Sexy Lingerie overrules the bra rule!
  25. Amy3


    The cam facing the couch is top notch. Free users should very happy with it. The kitchen one though is a mess. It buzzes and is very bad quality even in HD. It faces the window, so the light from the outside is going to play hell with it.
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