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Everything posted by Amy3

  1. Amy3

    Tula - Split 1

    They are going to burn the place down.
  2. Amy3

    Sofia - Split 1

    When is the last time Anna and Alex had sex on cam? Seems to me like it's been a long time, plus I've seen her turn him down a few times. Alex doesn't seem mentally well to me. He has changed a lot since being on VV and not really for the better, IMHO.
  3. Amy3

    Tver - Split 4

    Haha! I knew it was going to end like that. I'm telling you watching porn with your sex partner is a bad idea. It will ruin your sex.
  4. Amy3

    Tver - Split 4

    Masterbation marathon in Tver. No wonder it's so hard for Ivo to reach orgasm. The girls look so happy, not.
  5. Pretty sure he was carrying a bag, but I couldn't see it behind the couch. I just saw the last part. He seemed very calm and genuinely regretful, I'll give him that.
  6. Just caught the last part before he walked out, but I think the Kurgan left for good this time. He seemed to have reconciled with Endy. They hugged and kissed before he left. Am I right? I may have missed something.
  7. I think you are right about him. I've been saying similar things for a while now too. It's odd to me how we have different standards for men, then we do for women. There are tons of men chomping at the bit waiting for the statight girls in RLC to have lesbian sex, but when a guy does it, aw hell no! Personally, I wouldn't mind them having all kinds of sexual persons in VV, just as long as they aren't an asshole, which is where the Kurgan falls.
  8. Oh crap, the Kurgan is back in Voro. We're gonna lose Endy over this guy. Sad, cause she has real potential to be a fun girl.
  9. He became ill probably from being drunk and passed out on the couch in Tula. They were nice enough to us, I mean him, to cover him with a blanket.
  10. Amy3

    Sofia - Split 1

    Whicj one is cam3?
  11. Amy3

    Sofia - Split 1

    cause she's not that into Alex anymore due to his pre-psychotic break behavior.
  12. Maybe a hernia thing?
  13. oh for fucks sake, what the hell!
  14. The whole time David and Nelly were in the tub oblivious to what happend. Endy is now telling D and N what happened. Language barrier, wished I knew what she is telling them.
  15. I don't have Premium either and there's the language barrier. At one point Endy was demanding the keys. The Kurgan wouldn't give them up. There was the other guy from Tula, I think, who stood by and was trying be nice about getting him out. when the Kurgan was distracted by the guy, she grabbed the keys from him and stuck them in the closet by the door. At this point I think the Kurgan was about to get physical, but then pointed out the cameras, and laughed. At one point the guy whipped out the bat, but then put it down. Endy went into her room. The Kurgan then was on the phone with someone, probably VV management. After that he calmed down and conceded that it was time to go. The Kurgan opened the door and said something to Endy and then finally he and the guy left. He didnt take anything with him, but I don't see him coming back. Who knows?
  16. Think he was on the phone with VV management and they managed to talk him out of the place without a scuffle. Bet we don't see the Kurgan again. Sayomara mother fucker!
  17. Something is aboit to go down in Voro. The Kurgan doesnt want to leave. Endy managed to get the keys from him. Now, there's a baseball bat out. OMG!
  18. Not totally disappear, just a signficant reduction in quality on the free cams, ala VV. The inabily to go full screen was enough to cut me off from even going on RLC unless I'm on my computer. It's just a matter of time.
  19. David and Nelly are back in Voro at least for now. If they move in, I predict that David won't take kindly to the Kurgan getting close and personal with Nelly.
  20. If she's smart she'll get the hell out of there. Oh, they caught Vin at chuch. went something like this.
  21. Hell, Anna may have been more worried about the Kurgan coming on to Alex too much.
  22. Wonder what Anna would do outside of VV for work? How exactly would she word her time spent on VV on a resume?
  23. Just look on Voro right now. If I had to live with that psycho beast, I move too.
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