What a good night they had M&A, soccer, dinner, and a porn and sex session, they look very empathetic, it's nice to see a couple like this in RLC, without needing to make an exhibition.
She not only mentioned this year to you, when the pandemic began she worried that you were well, she also wondered how you are and what music you like and even once she mentioned that she dreamed of you, i really felt a bit of jealousy when i heard that she was interested for you.
That is not so, she drinks at specific times. Martina has been very sad for two weeks, if you knew her well, you would have noticed and you would not judge her like that.
After two months of quarantine, I think he has the right to get drunk away from home, I also like to see what he does outside.
PS: She has severe insomnia, and perhaps her lack of energy, apparent "boredom".